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SQL query with poor performances


I inherited from a SQL query which is quite slow to run (2-2mins20 in average) while the amount of data isn't huge.

I'm not yet much comfortable with SQL but I did attempt to use temporary table variable in order to have a lookup table to find the region associated to each countries. It didn't change anything regarding the total cost of the query (which is 4780, found via an EXPLAIN in DataGrid).

I'm unsure of how I could make it faster besides the creation of the right indexes.

           WHEN Sites.country IN
                ('Australia', 'Hong Kong', 'India', 'Korea, Republic of', 'Malaysia', 'New Zealand', 'Philippines',
                 'Singapore', 'Taiwan', 'Thailand', 'Viet Nam')
               THEN 'APAC'
           WHEN Sites.country IN ('China')
               THEN 'China'
           WHEN Sites.country IN
                ('Austria', 'Belgium', 'Bulgaria', 'Croatia', 'Czech Republic', 'Denmark', 'Estonia', 'Finland',
                 'France', 'Germany', 'Greece', 'Hungary', 'Ireland', 'Israel', 'Italy', 'Latvia', 'Lebanon',
                 'Lithuania', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania', 'Russian Federation',
                 'Saudi Arabia', 'Serbia', 'South Africa', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'Turkey', 'Ukraine',
                 'United Arab Emirates', 'United Kingdom')
               THEN 'EMEA'
           WHEN Sites.country IN ('Japan')
               THEN 'Japan'
           WHEN Sites.country IN
                ('Argentina', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Costa Rica', 'Guatemala', 'Mexico', 'Peru', 'Puerto Rico')
               THEN 'Latin America'
           WHEN Sites.country IN ('Canada', 'United States')
               THEN 'North America'
           ELSE '?'
           END                                                   AS 'Region',
    Sites.country                                                AS 'Country',
    Protocols.number                                             AS 'Protocol #',
    Sites.number                                                 AS 'Site #',
    VisitReports.finalized                                       AS 'Finalized date',
    VisitReports.startDate                                       AS 'Start date',
    VisitReports.endDate                                         AS 'End date',
    VisitReports.visitMode                                       AS 'Mode',
    LEN(REPLACE(VisitReports.remoteVisitDates, ',', '')) / 13    AS '# of remote dates',
    VisitReports.onSiteVisitDates                                AS 'On site dates',
    VisitReports.remoteVisitDates                                AS 'Remote dates',
    VisitReports.visitId                                         AS 'Visit ID',
           WHEN R2Answer.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
           WHEN R2Answer.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
           ELSE '-'
    END                                                          AS 'R2',
           WHEN SDR5Answer.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
           WHEN SDR5Answer.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
           ELSE '-'
    END                                                          AS 'SDR5',
           WHEN SDR5_3Answer.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
           WHEN SDR5_3Answer.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
           ELSE '-'
    END                                                          AS 'SDR5_3',
           WHEN SDR6Answer.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
           WHEN SDR6Answer.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
           ELSE '-'
    END                                                          AS 'SDR6',
           WHEN SDR7Answer.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
           WHEN SDR7Answer.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
           WHEN SDR7Answer.data LIKE '%choice_n_a%' THEN 'N/A'
           ELSE '-'
    END                                                          AS 'SDR7',
    FROM [DB].[SCHEMA].ActionItems
    WHERE ActionItems.siteId = Sites.id
        AND ActionItems.deletedAt IS NULL
        AND ActionItems.createdAt > VisitReports.startDate
        AND ActionItems.createdAt < VisitReports.finalized)       AS '# created ActionItems',

    (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ActionItems.id)
    FROM [DB].[SCHEMA].ActionItemUpdates
        JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].ActionItems
        ON ActionItems.id = ActionItemUpdates.actionItemId
            AND ActionItems.siteId = Sites.id
    WHERE ActionItemUpdates.deletedAt IS NULL
        AND ActionItemUpdates.updateType IS NULL
        AND ActionItemUpdates.createdAt > VisitReports.startDate
        AND ActionItemUpdates.createdAt < VisitReports.finalized) AS '# updated ActionItems',

    FROM [DB].[SCHEMA].ActionItems
    WHERE ActionItems.siteId = Sites.id
        AND ActionItems.deletedAt IS NULL
        AND ActionItems.closed > VisitReports.startDate
        AND ActionItems.closed < VisitReports.finalized)          AS '# closed ActionItems'

    JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].Protocols on Protocols.id = Sites.protocolId
    JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].VisitReports ON VisitReports.siteId = Sites.id
        AND questionnaireVersion >= 7
        AND visitType = 'ongoing'
        AND finalized IS NOT NULL
        AND VisitReports.endDate > '2022-01-01' AND VisitReports.endDate < '2022-11-11'

    LEFT JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].Answers AS R2Answer ON R2Answer.reportId = VisitReports.id
        AND R2Answer.questionId = 'R3'
    LEFT JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].Answers AS SDR5Answer
    ON SDR5Answer.reportId = VisitReports.id
        AND SDR5Answer.questionId = 'SDR3'
    LEFT JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].Answers AS SDR5_3Answer
    ON SDR5_3Answer.reportId = VisitReports.id
        AND SDR5_3Answer.questionId = 'SDR3.3'
    LEFT JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].Answers AS SDR6Answer
    ON SDR6Answer.reportId = VisitReports.id
        AND SDR6Answer.questionId = 'SDR10'
    LEFT JOIN [DB].[SCHEMA].Answers AS SDR7Answer
    ON SDR7Answer.reportId = VisitReports.id
        AND SDR7Answer.questionId = 'SDR4'
ORDER BY [Finalized date]

Thank you in advance for your help!

CodePudding user response:

You can try wth OUTER APPLY and conditional aggregation (CASE WHEN inside the aggregation function).

Something like:

  s.country                                          AS [Country],
  p.number                                           AS [Protocol #],
  s.number                                           AS [Site #],
  vr.finalized                                       AS [Finalized date],
  vr.startdate                                       AS [Start date],
  vr.enddate                                         AS [End date],
  vr.visitmode                                       AS [Mode],
  LEN(REPLACE(vr.remotevisitdates, ',', '')) / 13    AS [# of remote dates],
  vr.onsitevisitdates                                AS [On site dates],
  vr.remotevisitdates                                AS [Remote dates],
  vr.visitId                                         AS [Visit ID],
  ans.[R3]                                           AS [Answer R3],
  ans.[SDR3]                                         AS [Answer SDR3],
  act.created                                        AS [# created ActionItems],
  act.updated                                        AS [# updated ActionItems],
  act.closed                                         AS [# closed ActionItems]
FROM sites s
JOIN protocols p ON p.id = s.protocolid
JOIN visitreports vr ON vr.siteid = s.id
                    AND vr.questionnaireversion >= 7
                    AND vr.visittype = 'ongoing'
                    AND vr.finalized IS NOT NULL
                    AND vr.enddate > '2022-01-01'
                    AND vr.enddate < '2022-11-11'
    COUNT(CASE WHEN ai.deletedat IS NULL AND ai.createdat > vr.startdate AND ai.createdat < vr.finalized THEN 1 END) AS created,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN ai.deletedat IS NULL AND ai.closed > vr.startdate AND ai.closed < vr.finalized THEN 1 END) AS closed,
                      SELECT NULL
                      FROM actionitemupdates aiu
                      WHERE aiu.actionitemid = ai.id
                        AND aiu.updateType IS NULL
                        AND aiu.createdAt > vr.startDate
                        AND aiu.createdAt < vr.finalized
                    ) THEN 1 END) AS updated
  FROM actionitems ai
  WHERE ai.siteid = s.id
) act
    MAX(CASE WHEN a.questionId = 'R3' THEN
          CASE WHEN a.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
               WHEN a.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
               ELSE '-'
        END) AS [R3],
    MAX(CASE WHEN a.questionId = 'SDR3' THEN
          CASE WHEN a.data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes'
               WHEN a.data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No'
               ELSE '-'
        END) AS [SDR3],
  FROM answers a
  WHERE a.reportid = vr.id
) ans
ORDER BY [Finalized date];

In any way you should have indexes on answers(reportid) and on actionitems(siteid) to be able to join the answers and action types quickly.

In order to access the YES/NO/- directly, I suggest you add a computed column to your answers table. That will simplyfy above query.

ALTER TABLE answers ADD yes_or_no AS (CASE WHEN data LIKE '%choice_yes%' THEN 'Yes' WHEN data LIKE '%choice_no%' THEN 'No' ELSE '-' END) PERSISTED;

CodePudding user response:

enter image description here

As you stated, a Countries region lookup table makes the code cleaner. Besides that, I would look for opportunities to reduce data volume from Answers and ActionItemUpdates if the table size is significant. After that, aggregate Answers to reportId level; ActionItems and ActionItemUpdates to siteId level. Since visitType='ongoing', it seems that it's 1-to-1 between the two results. The last step is to join them together to get a site-level report.

with cte_visitReports as (
select id,
  from VisitReports
 where endDate > '2022-01-01'
   and endDate < '2022-11-11'
   and questionnaireVersion >= 7
   and visitType = 'ongoing'
   and finalized IS NOT NULL),
cte_answers as (
select a.reportId,
              when a.questionId='R3' and a.data like '%choice_yes%' then 'Yes'
              when a.questionId='R3' and a.data like '%choice_no%'  then 'No'
              else '-'
            end) as R2,
              when a.questionId='SDR3' and a.data like '%choice_yes%' then 'Yes'
              when a.questionId='SDR3' and a.data like '%choice_no%'  then 'No'
              else '-'
            end) as SDR5,
              when a.questionId='SDR3.3' and a.data like '%choice_yes%' then 'Yes'
              when a.questionId='SDR3.3' and a.data like '%choice_no%'  then 'No'
              else '-'
            end) as SDR5_3,
              when a.questionId='SDR10' and a.data like '%choice_yes%' then 'Yes'
              when a.questionId='SDR10' and a.data like '%choice_no%'  then 'No'
              else '-'
            end) as SDR6,            
              when a.questionId='SDR4' and a.data like '%choice_yes%' then 'Yes'
              when a.questionId='SDR4' and a.data like '%choice_no%'  then 'No'
              when a.questionId='SDR4' and a.data like '%choice_n_a%' then 'N/A'
              else '-'
            end) as SDR7       
  from Answers a
  join cte_visitReports r
    on a.reportId = r.id
 where a.questionId in ('R3','SDR3','SDR3.3','SDR10','SDR4')
    -- additional filters such as createdAt if available to reduce data volume
 group by a.reportId),
cte_action_items as (
select ai.siteId,
       count(distinct case when ai.deletedAt is null and ai.createdAt > r.startDate and ai.createdAt < r.finalized then ai.id end) as created_action_items,
       count(distinct case when ai.deletedAt is null and ai.closed    > r.startDate and ai.closed    < r.finalized then ai.id end) as closed_action_items,
       count(distinct case when iu.deletedAt is null and iu.createdAt > r.startDate and iu.createdAt < r.finalized then ai.id end) as updated_action_items
  from ActionItems ai 
  join cte_visitReports r
    on ai.siteId = r.siteId
  join ActionItemUpdates iu
    on ai.id = iu.actionItemId 
 where 1 = 1
    -- additional filters if possible ro reduce data volume 
 group by ai.siteId)
select coalesce(c.region,'?')                            as 'Region',
       s.country                                         as 'Country',
       p.number                                          as 'Protocol #',
       s.number                                          as 'Site #',
       r.finalized                                       as 'Finalized date',
       r.startDate                                       as 'Start date',
       r.endDate                                         as 'End Date',
       r.visitMode                                       as 'Mode',
       len(replace(r.remoteVisitDates, ',', '')) / 13    as '# of remote dates',
       r.onSiteVisitDates                                as 'On site dates',
       r.remoteVisitDates                                as 'Remote dates',
       r.visitId                                         as 'Visit ID',
       coalesce(a.R2,'-')                                as 'R2',
       coalesce(a.SDR5,'-')                              as 'SDR5',
       coalesce(a.SDR5_3,'-')                            as 'SDR5_3',
       coalesce(a.SDR6,'-')                              as 'SDR6',
       coalesce(a.SDR7,'-')                              as 'SDR7',
       coalesce(ai.created_action_items,0)               as '# created ActionItems',
       coalesce(ai.updated_action_items,0)               as '# updated ActionItems',       
       coalesce(ai.closed_action_items,0)                as '# closed ActionItems'
  from Sites s
  join Countries c
    on s.country = c.country 
  join Protocols p 
    on s.protocolId = p.id 
  join cte_visitReports r
    on s.id = r.siteId
  join cte_answers a
    on r.id = a.reportId
  join cte_action_items ai
    on s.id = ai.siteId
 order by r.finalized;

If the report response time is critical, I would try the following approaches:

  1. Tune the queries
  2. Cache the result (ie. materialized views)
  3. Create a datamart for reports and dashboards
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