I have the following member variable:
private IDictionary<Type, int> foo = ...
The keys must be of BaseClass, SubClass1, or SubClass2. E.g. of insertion:
foo.Add(typeof(BaseClass), ...);
foo.Add(typeof(SubClass1), ...);
foo.Add(typeof(SubClass2), ...);
Any classes not from the same hierarchy should not be allowed to be added.
Is it possible to achieve that?
CodePudding user response:
Yes, you can do this by using a generic type parameter and specifying a constraint on that type parameter.
private IDictionary<Type, int> foo = ...
public void Add<T>(T key, int value) where T : BaseClass
foo.Add(typeof(T), value);
Any classes which are not derived from BaseClass
will not be allowed because of the where T : BaseClass
There is another way to do this by checking the type while adding to the dictionary.
public void Add(Type key, int value)
if (key.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseClass)))
foo.Add(key, value);