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Transform the 2d list of poker stacks into list of actions


All poker stacks are scraped every few seconds during one poker hand on the preflop. Here's the list of list of stacks in the big blinds(BB). Player 4 makes mandatory bet 0.5 BB, Player 5 makes 1 BB bet at the start, then players act consecutively from 0 to 5. The first sublist is player 0, the last is player 5. Return list of actions.

Example 1: [[102,102,102,102] [101,101,99,99] [103.5,103.5,103.5] [100.5,100.5,100.5,93,79.5] [105.5,105.0,105.0,105.0] [94,93,93,93,93,73]]

Desired output 1: Fold - Raise 2 - Fold - Raise 7.5 - Fold - Raise 21 - Fold - Call.


  • Player 0 folded because there's no change in his stack.
  • Player 1 raised 2 because the stack decreased 101 - 99 = 2 big blinds (BB).
  • Player 2 folded because there's no change in his stack.
  • Player 3 raised because the stack decreased 100.5 - 93 = 7.5 big blinds and the decrease is larger than previous bet (2 big blinds).
  • Player 4 folded because there's no change in his stack after posting small blind (0.5 big blinds or BB).
  • Player 5 raised 21 because the his overall stack decreased 93 - 73 = 20 big blinds, he also posted 1 big blind so his overall raise size is 20 1 = 21).
  • Player 1 folded because the stack doesn't decrease after his bet.
  • Player 3 called 21 because his stack decreased 93 - 79.5 = 13.5 BB and his overall bet in the round is 13.5 7.5 = 21 BB which equals maximum raise size in current round.

I correctly wrote transform_stacks function that transfroms list of stacks sizes into list of differences, however get_actions function is completely incorrect.

from more_itertools import pairwise
from itertools import zip_longest
stacks = [[102,102,102,102], [101,101,99,99], [103.5,103.5,103.5], [100.5,100.5,100.5,93,79.5], [105.5,105.0,105.0,105.0], [94,93,93,93,93,73]]
def transform_stacks(stacks): # finds the difference in stack sizes, the functions is normal
    u = [[float(x) - float(y) for (x, y) in pairwise(stacks[z]) if x != '' and y != '' and abs(float(y) - float(x)) > 0.499] for z in range(len(stacks))]
    #will return [[], [2.0], [], [7.5, 13.5], [0.5], [1.0, 20.0]]
    return u
transposed = transform_stacks(stacks)
def get_actions(stacks):
    actions = []
    for index in range(len(stacks)):
        curr_max = 0
        for k in range(len(stacks[index])):
            if stacks[index][k] and (stacks[index][k] - 0.01 > curr_max):
                actions.append("Raise "   str(stacks[index][k]))
                curr_max = stacks[index][k]
            elif stacks[index][k]:
                actions.append("Call "   str(stacks[index][k]))
    return actions
print(get_actions(transposed))  # should print ['Fold','Raise 2','Fold','Raise 7.5,'Fold','Raise 21','Fold','Call']

CodePudding user response:

I can't test it right now but try if this works. It might look a bit longer than what you had but I think it's a very intuitive way of going at this problem:

from itertools import accumulate

def get_actions(stacks):
    # this part should probably go in the transform_stacks function
    # what it does is give you the cumulative total rather than the individual raises
    # this makes sense because you want the output to be "raise 21" 
    # for the BB in the example, rather than "raise 20"
    stacks = [list(accumulate(x)) for x in stacks]

    SB = None
    for i, stack in enumerate(stacks):
            if stack[0] == 0.5:             
                SB = i
        except IndexError:

    # just to make sure
    if SB is None:
        raise ValueError("Small Blind not found")
    num_players = len(stacks)
    bet = stacks[(SB 1)%num_players].pop(0)
    action_on_player = (SB 2)%num_players

    action_strings, out_of_hand = [], []
    while any(stacks):

        if action_on_player in out_of_hand:
            action_on_player = (action_on_player 1)%num_players

        if not stacks[action_on_player]:
            action_on_player = (action_on_player 1)%num_players
        action = stacks[action_on_player].pop(0)
        if action == bet:
            action_strings.append("Raise "   str(action))
            bet = action
        action_on_player = (action_on_player 1)%num_players

    return action_strings
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