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insert different value on different row


It is possible insert different value to different row table? when add row and insert item, the 1st row item will change same like 2nd row item.

var count = $(".itemRow").length;
$(document).on("click", "#addRows", function () {
    count  ;
    var htmlRows = "";
    htmlRows  = "<tr>";
    htmlRows  = '<td><input  type="checkbox"></td>';
    htmlRows  =
        '<td><div style="display: flex;"><input style="width:60%; margin-top:0.5%; margin-left:0.5%" type="text" name="productName[]" id="productName_'  count  '"  autocomplete="off">&nbsp <p  style="padding-top:1%;"> or <a href="#" data-target="#myModal">select a product</a></p></div></td>';
    htmlRows  =
        '<td><input type="number" name="quantity" id="quantity_'  
        '"  autocomplete="off"></td>';
    htmlRows  =
        '<td><input type="number" name="price" id="price_'  
        '"  autocomplete="off"></td>';
    htmlRows  =
        '<td><input type="number" name="total" id="total_'  
        '"  autocomplete="off"></td>';
    htmlRows  = "</tr>";
$(document).on("click", "#modal", function (){
        var productName = $("#productname").val();
        var nameProduct = productName.split('||')[0];
        var pPrice = pr`your text`oductName.split('||')[1];

1st row

when add 2nd row and insert item


CodePudding user response:

$("[id^=productName_]").val(nameProduct); this part of your code replaces the entire elements instead of just one.

Modifying this line to $("#productName_" count ).val(nameProduct); would solve your issue.

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