My original code looked like this:
SpecificEntity result = broker.changeSpecificEntity ( myTestKey , myTestData ) ;
"broker" is an (interface/implementation facade) with several methods (create, change, remove, etc) for each of many entity types.
I want to implement a generic version of the code so I don't have to repeat myself. There is more code than shown here, but the rest is already generic.
This is what we have so far.
public < K extends Key , D extends Data > D changeAnyEntity ( final K testKey, final D testData, BiFunction<K, D, D> brokerMethod )
return brokerMethod.apply ( testKey , testData ) ;
Now I need to invoke a generic method, (e.g., changeAnyEntity) for each of the methods under test.
SpecificEntity result = changeAnyEntity ( myTestKey , myTestData , myBrokerFuncion )
I have not yet figured out how to define / create "myBrokerFunction"
CodePudding user response:
Create an interface with a single method accepting your wanted arguments and returning the type you need. Then you can use that interface as a parameter type, and you can avoid all unnecessary casting inside your generic method. The reason for making it generic is to avoid "knowing" about all individual child types after all
interface BrokerFun<KK, DD> {
DD changeEntity(KK key, DD data);
public < K extends Key , D extends Data > boolean changeAnything (
final K testKey,
final D testData,
BrokerFun<K, D> brokerFun
) {
try {
D result = brokerFun.changeEntity(testKey,testData);
return isEqualCriticalFields(result, testData);
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
return false ;
EDIT(Adding a BiFunction solution)
Alternatively you can use the BiFunction interface like this
public < K extends Key , D extends Data > boolean changeAnything (
final K testKey,
final D testData,
BiFunction<K, D, D> brokerFun
) {
try {
D result = brokerFun.apply(testKey,testData);
return isEqualCriticalFields(result, testData);
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
return false ;
CodePudding user response:
Finally . . . ignoring try/catch logic
final BiFunction < SpecificEntityKey , SpecificEntityData , SpecificEntityData >
brokerMethod = ( k , d ) -> { myBroker.changeSpecificEntity ( k , d , null ) ; return d ; } ;