Could this function be shortened?
$(function () {
let section1 = $('.amount_1').attr('data-product_id');
let section2 = $('.amount_2').attr('data-product_id');
let section5 = $('.amount_5').attr('data-product_id');
let section10= $('.amount_10').attr('data-product_id');
let section15 = $('.amount_15').attr('data-product_id');
let $link1 = $("#" section1).find('a').clone().text('');
if ($link1.length > 0) {
let $link2 = $("#" section2).find('a').clone().text('');
if ($link2.length > 0) {
let $link5 = $("#" section5).find('a').clone().text('');
if ($link5.length > 0) {
let $link10 = $("#" section10).find('a').clone().text('');
if ($link10.length > 0) {
let $link15 = $("#" section15).find('a').clone().text('');
if ($link15.length > 0) {
Maybe in a for loop? I don’t really know how cause the numbers are random. Thanks in advance
CodePudding user response:
If you have access to change the HTML, I would personally recommend that you change it use a single class that can be gathered in a single go... and move the amount
to it's own data attribute
For example, in your HTML would become
$(function () {
$(".amount").each(function() {
let $amount = $(this);
let amountVal = $"amount");
let productId = $"product_id");
let $link = $(`#${productId}`).find('a').clone().text('');
if ($link.length > 0) {
Please also note jQuery gives you the .data()
method so you don't need to use attr
CodePudding user response:
It does not look so "random" for me, numbers 1, 2, 5, 10, 15
are pretty repetitive. Extract them and use them as a part of your jquery selectors.
Something like this (upd, version with 1 loop only):
$(function () {
["1", "2", "5", "10", "15"].forEach((x) => {
const section = $(`.amount_${x}`).attr("data-product_id");
const $link = $(`#${section}`).find("a").clone().text("");
if (!$link || $link.length <= 0) return;