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Translate parameters in object arrays into their own type in .NET Emit


There are some definations:

public class Message
    public SayType Say(string name)
        Console.Write("Hello,"   name );
        return SayType.Name;

public enum SayType
 public delegate SayType SayDelegate(Message message,params object[] o);
    public void Test()
        DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = 
            new DynamicMethod("Say",typeof(SayType),new Type[]{typeof(Message),typeof(object)});
               var il = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(string));
        System.Delegate delegates = dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(SayDelegate));
        delegates.DynamicInvoke(new Message(),"b");

The second segement of the code is designed for the Message.Say specially. Which means I know there is just one parameter in the object arrays.

What I want is to cast the first member in the object arrays as string.

However, I got a bug:

Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.String' ca
nnot be converted to type 'System.Object[]'.

How can I solve it?

CodePudding user response:

DynamicInvoke doesn't know that the second parameter of your delegate is a params, so it doesn't wrap the argument "b" in an object[]. params is only a C# language feature after all.

So either don't use DynamicInvoke:

((SayDelegate)delegates).Invoke(new Message(),"b");

Or wrap "e" in a object[] yourself.

delegates.DynamicInvoke(new Message(), new object[] {"b"});
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