Time should be sent in this format
"2023-01-09T10:45:00.000 05:30"
and the String which i have to parse into datetime is only "10:00 AM" i tried doing this
var GMTdateFormat = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss.000 05:30').format(
(state as SlotRequestPopUpDataLoadedState)
.where((element) => element.isSelected == true)
.map((e) => e.name)
But it is not working
CodePudding user response:
try this:
//input: 10:00 AM
final time = DateFormat('hh:mm a').parse("10:00 AM");
final year = DateTime.now().year;
final month = DateTime.now().month;
final day = DateTime.now().day;
final dateString = DateFormat('$year-$month-${day}THH:mm:ss.SSS 05:30').format(time);
print(dateString); //2023-1-9T10:00:00.000 05:30