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How do I turn this recursion into tail recursion?


With given array on unique numbers which are always greater than 0 I need to find all possible unique combinations of those numbers that are equal to a certain number when summed.

For example, getNumberComponents([7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 8, 1], 8) should return

[ [ 7, 1 ], [ 4, 3, 1 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 2, 5, 1 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 8 ] ] because sum of all numbers in every subarray equals 8.

My solution:

function getNumberComponents(numArray, number) {
    const arrayLength = numArray.length;
    const allVariants = [];

    function findComponents(currentIndex = 0, currentVariant = []) {
        while (currentIndex < arrayLength) {
            const currentElement = numArray[currentIndex];

            const currentSum = currentVariant.reduce((acc, cur) => acc   cur, 0);

            const sumWithCurrent = currentSum   currentElement;

            if (sumWithCurrent === number) {
        allVariants.push([...currentVariant, currentElement]);

            currentIndex  ;

            if (sumWithCurrent < number) {
                findComponents(currentIndex, [...currentVariant, currentElement]);
    return allVariants;

But I wonder if it's possible to use tail recursion for that? I have no idea how to turn my solution into tail recursion.

CodePudding user response:

Here is my version of your function, but using tail recursion. This is still a complex subject for me, check if there are no mistakes

function getNumberComponents(numArray, number, currentIndex = 0, currentVariant = [], allVariants = new Set()) {
    if (currentIndex >= numArray.length) {
        const currentSum = currentVariant.reduce((acc, cur) => acc   cur, 0);
        if (currentSum === number) {
        return Array.from(allVariants);
    const currentElement = numArray[currentIndex];
    const currentSum = currentVariant.reduce((acc, cur) => acc   cur, 0);
    const sumWithCurrent = currentSum   currentElement;
    if (sumWithCurrent <= number) {
        allVariants = new Set([...allVariants, ...getNumberComponents(numArray, number, currentIndex   1, [...currentVariant, currentElement], allVariants), ...getNumberComponents(numArray, number, currentIndex   1, currentVariant, new Set())]);
    } else {
        allVariants = new Set([...allVariants, ...getNumberComponents(numArray, number, currentIndex   1, currentVariant, new Set())]);
    return Array.from(allVariants);

console.log(getNumberComponents([7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 8, 1], 8));

CodePudding user response:

To make this tail recursive, you could:

  • Keep track of all indices that were selected to arrive at the current sum. That way you can easily replace a selected index with the successor index.

  • In each execution of the function get the "next" combination of indices. This could be done as follows:

    • If the sum has not been achieved yet, add the index the follows immediately after the most recently selected index, and adjust the sum
    • If the sum has achieved or exceeded, remove the most recently selected index, and then add the successor index instead, and adjust the sum
    • If there is no successor index, then forget about this index and replace the previous one in the list, again adjusting the sum
    • If there are no more entries in the list of indices, then all is done.
  • Instead of accumulating a sum, you could also decrease the number that you pass to recursion -- saving one variable.

  • Make the function return the array with all variants, so there is no need for an inner function, nor any action that follows the function call.

Here is an impementation:

function getNumberComponents(numArray, number, selectedIndices=[], allVariants=[]) {
    let i = selectedIndices.at(-1)??-1;
    if (number < 0) { // Sum is too large. There's no use to adding more
        i = numArray.length; // Force the while-condition to be true
    } else if (number == 0) { // Bingo
        allVariants.push(selectedIndices.map(idx => numArray[idx]));
    while (  i >= numArray.length) { // No more successor index available
        if (selectedIndices.length == 0) return allVariants; // All done
        i = selectedIndices.pop(); // Undo a previous selection
        number  = numArray[i]; // Remove from sum
    selectedIndices.push(i); // Select index and recur:
    return getNumberComponents(numArray, number - numArray[i], selectedIndices, allVariants);

console.log(getNumberComponents([7, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 8, 1], 8));

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