I have the following array:
0 => Array(
'id' => 1,
'nome' => 'Stipendio',
'datamov' => '2023-04-15',
'mese' => 4,
'anno' => 2023,
'total_mov' => 3000.00
1 => Array(
'id' => 1,
'nome' => 'Stipendio',
'datamov' => '2023-03-15',
'mese' => 3,
'anno' => 2023,
'total_mov' => 3000.00
2 => Array(
'id' => 1,
'nome' => 'Stipendio',
'datamov' => '2023-02-15',
'mese' => 2,
'anno' => 2023,
'total_mov' => 3000.00
3 => Array(
'id' => 1,
'nome' => 'Stipendio',
'datamov' => '2023-01-15',
'mese' => 1,
'anno' => 2023,
'total_mov' => 3000.00
and I want to search by datamov value returning the key of the first level array. So looking for '2023-03-15' I want to have back 1 as result.
I tried to do this way:
$datemovs=array_column($entrata, 'datamov');
while (strtotime($anno_start . '-' . $mese_start . '-01') < strtotime($end)) {
$mese_start_num = ltrim($mese_start, '0');
echo 'looking for '.$searched_date;
if($found_key = array_search($searched_date, $datemovs)!==NULL){
echo ' found this key '.$found_key;
$datatrovata = $entrata[$found_key]['datamov'];
echo " that matches $datatrovata \n";
echo " and I found nothing";
$mese_start_num = $mese_start_num 1;
if ($mese_start_num > 12) {
$anno_start = $anno_start 1;
$mese_start_num = 1;
but it gives me:
looking for 2023-01-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-02-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-03-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-04-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-05-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-06-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-07-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-08-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-09-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-10-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-11-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
looking for 2023-12-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15
that is obviously wrong. What am I missing?
My goal is to end up with
looking for 2023-01-15 found this key 3 that matches 2023-01-15 and total_mov is 3000
looking for 2023-02-15 found this key 2 that matches 2023-02-15 and total_mov is 3000
looking for 2023-03-15 found this key 1 that matches 2023-03-15 and total_mov is 3000
looking for 2023-04-15 found this key 0 that matches 2023-04-15 and total_mov is 3000
looking for 2023-05-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-06-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-07-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-08-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-09-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-10-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-11-15 and found nothing
looking for 2023-12-15 and found nothing
CodePudding user response:
I think that you should fix this part:
if($found_key = array_search($searched_date, $datemovs)!==NULL){
to this:
$found_key = array_search($searched_date, $datemovs);
if($found_key !== false){
Here is the full part:
while (strtotime($anno_start . '-' . $mese_start . '-01') < strtotime($end)) {
$mese_start_num = ltrim($mese_start, '0');
$found_key = array_search($searched_date, $datemovs);
if($found_key !== false){ // <-- THIS ROW
echo ' found this key '.$found_key;
$datatrovata = $entrata[$found_key]['datamov'];
echo " that matches $datatrovata \n";
echo " and I found nothing";
$mese_start_num = $mese_start_num 1;
if ($mese_start_num > 12) {
$anno_start = $anno_start 1;
$mese_start_num = 1;
Because the array_search
function returns the key of the first element that matches the searched value, it will always return a value, even if the value is not found in the array.