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How to filter child element by putting condition on another child element in XML


In below XML, I need to extract the BinaryImage if the ImageType is fullimage.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
   <soapenv:Header />
      <Instation xmlns="http://ffsf.us.com/schema_1-2" SchemaVersion="1.2">

I tried with findall and xpath but it gave the following errors:






lxml.etree.XPathEvalError: Invalid expression

SyntaxError: invalid predicate

The documentation does not seem to be very helpful, what am I doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

The below should work

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xml = '''<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
   <soapenv:Header />
      <Instation xmlns="http://ffsf.us.com/schema_1-2" SchemaVersion="1.2">

root = ET.fromstring(xml)
binary_images = [im.find('{http://ffsf.us.com/schema_1-2}BinaryImage').text for im in root.findall('.//{http://ffsf.us.com/schema_1-2}Image') if im.find('{http://ffsf.us.com/schema_1-2}ImageType').text == 'fullImage']



CodePudding user response:

Since you need to parse against a default namespace, consider using the namespaces argument available in both findall and xpath where you can map the URI to a user-defined prefix (e.g., doc) using a dictionary to be used on all elements in XPath expression.

Additionally, your XPath must be adjusted without @ since no attributes are included.

import lxml.etree as lx

doc = lx.parse("Input.xml")

nmsp = {"doc": "http://ffsf.us.com/schema_1-2"}
xpr = ".//doc:Image[doc:ImageType='fullImage']/doc:BinaryImage"

images_findall = [d.text for d in doc.findall(xpr, namespaces=nmsp)]

images_xpath = [d.text for d in doc.xpath(xpr, namespaces=nmsp)]

Do note: findall only supports very simple XPath such as above and not the fuller XPath 1.0 specification like xpath. For example, you could have also used preceding-sibling axis:

xpr = ".//doc:Image/doc:BinaryImage[preceding-sibling::doc:ImageType='fullImage']"

images_xpath = [d.text for d in doc.xpath(xpr, namespaces=nmsp)]
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