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How to sort the data taking into account the subtraction of numbers until the right number is obtain


I have a complicated problem related to the sorting of the data.

Introduction to the issue. Below are two tables that include data in annual granularity for the same units.

The first table refers to the load per year for each unit.

Table 1. Load per year

Year Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D
2023 5000 4000 3000 2000
2024 5000 4000 3000 2000
2025 5000 4000 3000 0
2026 0 4000 3000 0
2027 0 0 3000 0

The second table refers to the marginal price per year for each unit.

Table 2. Marginal cost per year

Year Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D
2023 120 240 170 150
2024 140 250 180 175
2025 160 270 190 0
2026 0 300 200 0
2027 0 0 215 0

I would like the units in the tables above to be sorted in such a way that the matching starts from the lowest marginal cost (table 2) and continues until the total load (table 1) reaches the assumed level in table 3 (column number 3 in table 3). Below I have presented the data in how I would like the solution to look after sorting.

The expected solution: Table 3. Sorted units

Year Hour Required load Missing load (Required load - sum units load)
2023 3 10000 Unit A Unit D Unit C 0
2023 4 13500 Unit A Unit D Unit C Unit B 1000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2025 5 8000 Unit A Unit C 0
2025 6 18000 Unit A Unit C Unit B 6000

Even better and more accurate would be to present a marginal cost instead of unit names, because I am interested in which unit and at what marginal cost closes the pile (which is the most expensive unit) like:

Year Hour Required load Missing load (Required load - sum units load)
2023 3 10000 120 150 170 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2025 5 8000 160 190 0

I tried different ways but unfortunately I did not find the right way to sort this way.

Many thanks for any suggestions and solutions.

CodePudding user response:


Tab1 <- tribble(
~Year,  ~UnitA, ~UnitB, ~UnitC, ~UnitD,
2023,   5000,   4000,   3000,   2000,
2024,   5000,   4000,   3000,   2000,
2025,   5000,   4000,   3000,   0,
2026,   0,  4000,   3000,   0,
2027,   0,  0,  3000,   0)

Tab2 <- tribble(
  ~Year,    ~UnitA, ~UnitB, ~UnitC, ~UnitD,
  2023, 120,    240,    170,    150,
  2024, 140,    250,    180,    175,
  2025, 160,    270,    190,    0,
  2026, 0,  300,    200,    0,
  2027, 0,  0,  215,    0)

Tab3 <- tribble(
  ~Year,    ~Hour,  ~Req_load,
  2023, 3,  10000,
  2023, 4,  13500,
  2025, 5,  8000,
  2025, 6,  18000,

consolidatedTab <- Tab1 %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -c(Year), names_to = "Unit", names_prefix = "Unit", values_to = "load") %>%
  left_join(Tab2 %>%
              pivot_longer(cols = -c(Year), names_to = "Unit", names_prefix = "Unit", values_to = "marg")
            ) %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  arrange(marg, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(totLoad = cumsum(load))

SummaryTab <- Tab3 %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(missingLoad = ifelse(Req_load - max(consolidatedTab[consolidatedTab$Year == Year,]$totLoad) <= 0,
         Req_load - max(consolidatedTab[consolidatedTab$Year == Year,]$totLoad)
         finalUnit = ifelse(missingLoad >0, "N/A", first(consolidatedTab[consolidatedTab$Year == Year & consolidatedTab$totLoad > Req_load,]$Unit)),
         finalunitprice = ifelse(missingLoad >0, 0, first(consolidatedTab[consolidatedTab$Year == Year & consolidatedTab$totLoad > Req_load,]$marg))

My best attempt, apologies for lack of explanation but I have to run!


# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Groups:   Year [2]
   Year Unit   load  marg totLoad
  <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1  2023 A      5000   120    5000
2  2023 D      2000   150    7000
3  2023 C      3000   170   10000
4  2023 B      4000   240   14000
5  2024 A      5000   140    5000
6  2024 D      2000   175    7000


# A tibble: 4 × 6
# Rowwise: 

       Year  Hour Req_load missingLoad finalUnit finalunitprice
      <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>              <dbl>
    1  2023     3    10000           0 B                    240
    2  2023     4    13500           0 B                    240
    3  2025     5     8000           0 B                    270
    4  2025     6    18000        6000 N/A                    0
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