I have a yaml pipeline in Azure DevOps. In one step I am using "bash" task to find a file and create a variable named "ArtifactName". The task is as follows. The issue is it cannot create the variable and the pipeline although runs successfully does not create the variable and prints: "ArtifactName: command not found."
Bash syntax in pipeline:
- bash: |
echo $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
ArtifactName=find $(Build.SourcesDirectory) -name '*.whl'
echo "Artifact name value is " $(ArtifactName)
displayName: 'Find the artifact in source directory'
workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
The error message is as follows. As it is shown the variable ArtifactName is empty:
I changed the code to make sure it gets some value and see if the problem was from regular expression part but again I get the same error with this code:
- bash: |
echo $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
ArtifactName=$(find $(Build.SourcesDirectory) -name '*.whl')
echo "Artifact name value is " $(ArtifactName)
displayName: 'Find the artifact in source directory'
workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
The error is like previous part "ArtifactName command not found":
Even when I hard code the value of the variable ArtifactName to a string like "foo", still the same error of "ArtifactName command not found":
- bash: |
echo $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
echo "Artifact name value is " $(ArtifactName)
displayName: 'Find the artifact in source directory'
workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
My last try was to use the below syntax following
The question is how can I use bash task to create a variable inside it with some values that I can use in other tasks of the same and other stages.
CodePudding user response:
The question is how can I use bash task to create a variable inside it with some values that I can use in other tasks of the same and other stages.
To meet your requirement, you need to use the command echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ArtifactName;]foo"
to define the pipeline variable.