Home > Net >  How can I get a clock plugin to work on my Discord Bot with the Discordeno Library?
How can I get a clock plugin to work on my Discord Bot with the Discordeno Library?


So, I tried to write a plugin for a Discord bot, which uses Discordeno for its Library. This plugin was supposed to theoretically rename a Voice channel to the Local Time on the computer, and this would be done every minute. Issue is, it will only rename the channel on the Bot Start, and will not even rename the channel.

So, this is how the code was usually formatted:

export async function clock(client: BotWithCache<Bot>) {
    const d = new Date()
    const conf = config.plugins.clockChannel
    function clockEmoji(date: Date) {
        const hour = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US',
            { hour12: true, hour: 'numeric', timeZone: conf.timezone }
        ).replace(/\s(AM|PM)$/, '');
        const numToEmoji = {
            '12': '           
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