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Novice <> the 24 not below, to solve


1, programming, simulation of traffic signal lamp switch,
Light has 3 kinds, respectively is red, yellow, green, light only one at some point down the line, the program will module this operation, the three Label box in the picture on the form and 2, in each box into a icon, directly set in the "properties" window,
2, write a "vote" program to take part in the election of the people to vote for the candidates, the application of statistical each candidate's votes, and output shows the outcome of the vote,
In form 3 group box, in a group box 1 draw three radio buttons, in the second group box draw three buttons, in the third group box draw a text box, and put the text frame's MultiLine attribute set to True,
3, design an arithmetic operations (+, -, *,/) and clean up function menu, two Numbers from the keyboard input, using the menu commands and their and, difference, product and quotient, and displayed,
4, enter a number of student achievement, calculate the average score and higher than the number of average score,
5, writing applications, requirements in the TextBox control text box input after an English sentence to complete the following:
1) the value of analysis and display control contains a few letters "a",
No. 2) if the English sentence with ". "end of English words with Spaces between the characters and the comma character as a separator characters, the Text analysis showed a TextBox control value contains a few English words,
3) to find the word order sorted by size showed a TextBox control to another text box,
6, define a n a two-dimensional array of x m, receive the keyboard input number, and the average value of all elements, the output is higher than the average of elements and their ranks number (subscript),
7, to create a new project, left and right sides of each place a list box ListBox control List1 and List2, landscape display content in List1 "1, the second question, the third question, the fourth, fifth questions" these five, in the middle of the two list boxes landscape four command button, the title of "<" and ">" respectively, "<", ">", the implementation program functions:
1) click the "<" add List1 in the selected items to the List2, and delete items from the List1,
2) click on the ">" will List2 added to the selected items in a List1, and delete items from the List2,
3) click on "<" will all options in the Lixt1 added to the List2, and List1 of empty,
4) click on ">" all options are added to the List1 in List2, and List2 of empty,
8, create a new project, contains two forms Form1, Form2, realize the function to produce a welcome screen, run time for three seconds, three seconds later, Form1 disappear, Form2,
9, programming, solving the chicken with rabbit cage, a chicken in the cage X, Y rabbit, every bird has two legs, each rabbit has four legs, today the total Numbers of know the chicken and rabbit for H, the total number of feet for F, q steamed chicken and rabbit in the several?
Note: according to the mathematical knowledge, can write the following simultaneous equations:
X + Y=H (1)
2 x + 4 y=F (2)
(2) type - 2 * (1) : 2 therefore, Y=Y=F - 2 h - 2 h (F)/2
4 * (1) - (2) : 2 X=4 h - so the X=F (4 h - F)/2
According to the type of program, using INPUTBOX function type H and F value, H=71, F=158, please write a program and computer operation,
10, design a "address book" application, when a user in the drop-down list box to choose a person name, in the "phone number" text box shows the corresponding number when the user selects or cancel the "unit" and "address" check box, to open or close "work unit" or "home address" text boxes,
11, the input characters, Numbers and statistics of the number of figures, if meet with string "bye", the output,
12, define a class, the user input values as a square side length, the class to calculate the area of the square and the output,
13, making questionnaire (see chapter 10 for 10-3),
14, create a project and realize the data interaction between form, (see 9.7)
15, write a program to realize the user login function, when the user input user name and password in the text box, click ok button, who is responsible for testing your user name and password is correct, three consecutive incorrect, program exits,
16, write a form program, menu command is used to implement a simple add, minus, multiply, in addition to the arithmetic, and the results output to a dialog box,
17, define a Vehicle (Vehicle) base class, has Run, Stop, with a Speed (Speed), MaxSpeed (maximum Speed), Weight (Weight), and other fields, and then in the class, for the base class, derived bicycle, such as car, and the programming of the derived class function verification,
18, write a general class of people (Person), the class has a Name (Name), Age (Age), gender (Sex) domain, and then the Person class inherited class a Student (Student), the class can store 5 course grades of students, and can calculate the average scores, request to overloading of the class constructor, at least three forms are given, finally the programming to validate the function of the Student class,
19, programming output 1 ~ 100 can be divided exactly by 3 but cannot be divided exactly by 5, and count how many such number,
20, establish a list box on the form, a text box and a command button that column in the list box with the names of the 10 students of class, elected in a student's name, click the command button, is in the text box shows the student's native place,
21, write a according to the value of the variable name to perform different operations of a switch statement, if the value of the variable for Robert, print the message "Hi Bob"; If for Richard, print a message "Hi Rich"; If for Barbara, print a message "Hi Barb"; If for Kalee, print a message "You Go Girl!" ; In other cases, the print "Hix", where x is the value of the variable name
22, create a namespace, it contains a class and another namespace, also contains a class contained the name of the space, and then create a use these two classes of the application class,
23, a console application, the output of 1 ~ 15 square values and requirements:
For statement is used to implement,
While statement is used to implement,
Do - while statement is used to implement,
24, according to ADO.NET, visual programming steps to create a database access application?

CodePudding user response:

1, List In order for each label corresponding control id, each of the number of seconds the light is bright, use a timer control, set to do this every second, according to public fields to confirm what is the current list item, according to the beginning of the switching time is a few seconds, which item + 1% 3 when the time is up to make sure the next show
2, look not to understand what's that got to do a few things to vote you
3, this is two input box + button
4, where performance & gt; Avg (grades)
5, don't want to write...

CodePudding user response:

Question 1, 100 points, can answer to you, or you go to ask.csdn.net to ask questions, don't points, a question for a guarantee, I can answer you,

CodePudding user response:

Each individual post, or to ask questions, the tuo didn't bother to look,

CodePudding user response:

C # basic bag? Ha, ha, ha,

CodePudding user response:

I watch the last question: 24, according to ADO.NET, visual programming steps to create a database access application?

This all you have to add ado.net in vs data model, according to the wizard prompt, next, next don't have to write code data access with respect to ok, but you have to have prepared you database,

CodePudding user response:

A lot of homework yesterday!

CodePudding user response:

These questions are very simple, carefully read all can answer, if you want to dry after programming, or did you study well, if you don't want to be a programmer, I didn't say

CodePudding user response:

To me, the teacher is the same

CodePudding user response:

1, programming, simulation of traffic signal lamp switch,
Light has 3 kinds, respectively is red, yellow, green, light only one at some point down the line, the program will module this operation, the three Label box in the picture on the form and 2, in each box into a icon, directly set in the "properties" window,

Me first, because ordinary people can make a case, if the else, senior point exactly, written in advanced written circular linked list, but in fact this is actually three square wave in professional engineering,

Why say this, in fact, you see, ordinary people, smart people, understand the data structure, understand transportation business people, will have different solution, very interesting!
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