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Vuetify / Vue (2) data table not sorting / paginating upon new bound prop


Keeping the table as basic as possible to figure this out. I am struggling to learn how to create server side sorting/pagination to function in vuetify. When I add the :options or :server-items-length bind the table no longer sorts or paginates.

Without either of those, I get a default listing of 10 items per row - and the sorting all works perfectly fine as well the pagination. However, parameters in the api require a page item count thus forcing a hardcoded number or using the :options bind. If i just place a hard coded number things work fine, but when I bind I get proper items per page but no sorting and pagination.

Very simple data table:



//Base data returns, with headers and options as well the array that items are stored in.


   data() {
         return {
             TableData: {
                 isLoading: true,
                 TableHeaders: [
                     { value: "title", text: "Title" },
                     { value: 'artist', text: 'Artist' },
                     { value: 'upc', text: 'UPC' },
                     { value: "retailPrice", text: "Price/Quantity"},
                page: 1, 
                itemsPerPage: 15


//Then last, my async method to grab the data from the api, and place it in the itemresults array.

    async getProducts(){
             this.TableData.isLoading = true;
             const { page, itemsPerPage } = this.options;
             var temp = await this.$axios.get(`Inventory/InventoryListing_inStock/1/${page}/${itemsPerPage}`);
             this.ItemResults = temp.data;
             this.TableData.isLoading = false;
             return this.ItemResults;

I have tried following Vuetify Pagination and sort serverside guide, but I'm not sure where they are recommending to make the axios call.

The lead backend dev is working on setting a sorting function up in the api for me to call paramaters to as well - Im not sure how that will function along side.

but I dont know how to have this controlled by vuetify eithier, or the best practice here.

EDIT: I've synced the following:


but i think I dont need to sync the last two. My options:

                page: 1, 
                itemsPerPage: 15,
                sortBy: ['title'],
                sortDesc: [false]

and in my data I put the array for sort by and sort desc

            sortBy: [
                'title', 'artist', 'upc', 'retailPrice'
            sortDesc:[true, false],

pagination is now working, and sort ascending is now working, but when I click to descend the header I get an error that the last two params are empty on update to / / instead of /sortBy/sortDesc result. So its not listing the values on changes.

CodePudding user response:

  1. When your component mounts, you need to fetch the total number of items available on the server and the first page of data, and set these as :items and :server-items-length. The latter will (as you observed) disable paging and sorting, as your server will take care of it, and it is used to calculate the total number of pages given a selected page size.
  2. Now you need to know when to reload data. For this, you either bind options to the v-data-table with two-way binding (.sync) and set a watcher on it, or you listen to the update:options event. And whenever options change, you fetch the selected data from the server.

That's basically all it takes.

In your template:

           @update:options="options => loadPage(options)"

In your component:

methods: {
  async loadPage(options){
    this.items = [] // if you want to show DataTable's loading-text
    this.items = await fetch('yourUrl'   new URLSearchParams({
      // build url params from the options object
      offset: (options.page - 1) * options.itemsPerPage,
      limit: options.itemsPerPage,
      orderBy: options.sortBy.map((sb,ix) => [sb, options.sortDesc[ix] ? 'desc' : 'asc'])

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