I am making a game where a mouse is followed by a snake in some tubes. I got down the part where the mouse gets followed, the problem I am having is that sometimes the snake follows the snake even though we are in 2 different tubes, just because I am in front of him from the calculation I am making.
How can I detect if the snake has a wall in front of him, and not the mouse?
This is my code so far:
Vector3 distance = player.position - transform.position;
float dot = Vector3.Dot(distance, transform.forward);
if (dot < 5 && dot > 3)
agent.destination = player.position;
agent.destination = goals[0].transform.position;
CodePudding user response:
Sounds to me like you want the agent to only follow you while it can "see" you
=> You could probably check this via a Physics.LineCast
Returns true if there is any collider intersecting the line between start and end.
Also btw those 3 < dot < 5
sounds quite arbitrary. I would rather normalize the vectors and then Vector3.Dot
For normalized vectors Dot returns
if they point in exactly the same direction,-1
if they point in completely opposite directions and0
if the vectors are perpendicular.
var distance = player.position - transform.position;
var dot = Vector3.Dot(distance.normalized, transform.forward);
// tweak this value according to your needs
if (dot >= 0.5f) // = 45°
agent.destination = goals[0].transform.position;
or alternatively you could also directly check angles if this reads easier for you
var distance = player.position - transform.position;
var angle = Vector3.Angle(distance, transform.forward);
// tweak this value according to your needs
if (angle <= 45f)
agent.destination = goals[0].transform.position;
Then replace <SEE BELOW>
by e.g.
// now additionally check if there is a wall in between
if(Physics.LineCast(transform.position, player.position, WallsLayerMask))
agent.destination = goals[0].transform.position;
agent.destination = player.position;