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How about the TXT file to read into the textbox, a great god, please help!!!!!!!


The following code will make the contents of the textbox saved to TXT file, and is a directory can be selected for preservation,
Private Sub Button1_Click (ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles for. Click
Dim TXT As String=Me. GetTxt
SaveTxt (TXT)
End Sub
'get the stored text
Private Function getTxt () As String

'Dim x As Integer (0 To 10)

'For I As Integer=0 To x.L ength - 1

'x (I)=CInt (100 * Rnd ())


'Dim STR As String=""

'For j As Integer=0 To x.L ength - 1

'Str +=x (j). ToString & amp; VbCrLf


'Return STR
Dim x (1) As String
Dim Str As String=""
X (0)=TextBox1. Text
X (1)=TextBox2. Text
For j As Integer=0 To 1
Str +=x (j) & amp; VbCrLf
Return the Str
End the Function

'the stored text

Private Sub SaveTxt (ByVal v As String)

Dim fp As String=GetSavePath ()

If the String. IsNullOrEmpty (fp)=False Then

'the StreamWriter

Dim Swriter As New StreamWriter (fp, False) 'cover or create a New

Swriter. WriteLine (v)

Swriter. Close ()

End the If

End Sub

'get store path

Private WithEvents sd As New SaveFileDialog

Private Function GetSavePath () As String

Sd. The FileName=""

Sd. AddExtension=True 'if there is no extension file, the default for TXT extension

Sd. DefaultExt="TXT"

Sd. Filter="TXT file (*.txt) | *. TXT"

Sd. ShowDialog ()

Return sd. The FileName
End the Function

Code is looking for on the Internet, modify,

I want to achieve the above the contents of the TXT file to read into the textbox,
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
'the Textbox1. Text=""
'Dim STR As IO. StreamReader.=New IO StreamReader (" C: \ 123. TXT ", System. Text. The Encoding. The Default)
'Do Until STR. EndOfStream
'the TextBox1. Text=TextBox1. Text & amp; Str. ReadLine ()
'Str. The Close ()
'this code can read 123. TXT the value in the
According to this code can read the contents of the fixed fixed TXT file directory, and what I want is stored in the TXT file, is can choose TXT files in the directory,

CodePudding user response:

Use OpenFileDialog to get the file name,
To "C: \ 123. TXT" can be replaced with the new file name

CodePudding user response:

How to get the directory?

CodePudding user response:

Add a button to add a OpenFileDialog controls
Private Sub Button1_Click (sender As System. Object, e the As System. EventArgs) Handles for. Click
OpenFileDialog1. Multiselect=False 'can only select a file
OpenFileDialog1. Filter="text document | *. TXT" 'choose the type of file, if there is no this line is the default choice all file types
OpenFileDialog1. ShowDialog () 'opens the file form, this is the main other is about the form of option Settings
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

According to the problems, roughly divided into hair under several steps
1, triggering the "save" (usually a click on the button)
2, call the dialog box, save the file path, (use OpenFileDialog instead of SaveFileDialog)
3, read the content TextBox, save to file, many methods, but I most like to use the ws,
Dim ws=CreateObject (" Wscript. Shell ")
Dim fso=CreateObject (" SCripting. FileSystemObject ")
Dim f=fso. CreateTextFile (path, True)
F.w rite TextBox Text

CodePudding user response:

Thank you, has been solved

CodePudding user response:

VS you some right click insert code is actually a reference code to read and write files to you, very simple,

CodePudding user response:

Thank you for your warrior upstairs!
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