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Creating a df based on total permutations deriving from user-input variables


I would like to pass 'n' amount of cities to travel to and corresponding days in each city to a function that would return a df with all possible permutations of the journey. The kayak_search_url column in the df should contain this string in the first row:


...but instead contains this string:


I can't figure out why the origin code 'AMS' shows up instead of the chain of cities. Here's the code:

# List the cities you want to travel to and from, how long you'd like to stay in each, and the appropriate start/end dates
start_city = 'Amsterdam'
end_city = 'Amsterdam'
start_date = '2023-02-14'

cities = ['Warsaw', 'Bogota', 'Milan', 'Santo Domingo']
days = [3,3,3,2]

def generate_permutations(cities, days, start_city, end_city, start_date):
    city_to_days = dict(zip(cities, days))
    permutations = list(itertools.permutations(cities))
    df = pd.DataFrame(permutations, columns=['city'   str(i) for i in range(1, len(cities)   1)])
    df['origin'] = start_city
    df['end'] = end_city
    first_column = df.pop('origin')
    df.insert(0, 'origin', first_column)
    st_dt = pd.to_datetime(start_date)
    df = df.assign(flight_dt_1=st_dt)
    for i in range(len(cities)):
        df['flight_dt_'   str(i   2)] = df['flight_dt_'   str(i   1)]   df['city'   str(i   1)].map(city_to_days).map(lambda x: pd.Timedelta(days=x))
    # IATA city code dictionary from iata_code.csv file in repo and create Kayak 'url' column for each permutation
    iata = {'Amsterdam': 'AMS',
            'Warsaw': 'WAW',
            'Bogota': 'BOG',
            'Milan': 'MIL',
            'Santo Domingo': 'SDQ'}

    url = 'https://www.kayak.com/flights/'
    df['kayak_search_url'] = df.apply(lambda x: url   ''.join([iata[x['origin']]   '-'   iata[x['city'   str(i 1)]]   \
                                                               ',nearby/'   str(x['flight_dt_'   str(i 1)].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))   '/' \
                                                               for i in range(len(cities))])   iata[x['end']]   ',nearby/'   str(x['flight_dt_'   str(len(cities)   1)].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))   \
                                                               '/?sort=bestflight_a', axis=1)
    return df

CodePudding user response:

Let's break down the desired URL to highlight its structure:


Obviously only the middle section needs to generated as the other parts are static. We can also generate that middle section before constructing the dataframe:

def generate_permutations(cities, days, start_city, end_city, start_date):
    iata = {
        "Amsterdam": "AMS",
        "Warsaw": "WAW",
        "Bogota": "BOG",
        "Milan": "MIL",
        "Santo Domingo": "SDQ",

    permutations = [
        (start_city,)   p   (end_city,) for p in itertools.permutations(cities)
    flight_dates = pd.to_datetime(start_date)   pd.to_timedelta(
        np.array([0]   days).cumsum(),

    # Generate the URLs
    urls = []
    for p in permutations:
        # The pattern for each segment is
        #     START-END,nearby/yyyy-dd-dd
        mid_url = "/".join(
                for s, e, fd in zip(p[:-1], p[1:], flight_dates)

    # Generate the resulting dataframe
    return (
            columns=["origin", *[f"city{i 1}" for i in range(len(cities))], "end"],
                index=[f"flight_dt_{i 1}" for i in range(len(flight_dates))],
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