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App crashes if closing a dialog while Async Operations are still underway


Firstly I'm not familiar with using Async, so the below approach could be completely wrong. I'm currently decoding multiple images and displaying them in a dialog window.

This works fine, as long as I don't attempt to close the dialog while the decodes are still running.

If I do close the dialog, I get a Debug Assertion Error at return hh;

In my class header I have:

class CmytestDlg: public CDialog

    // Generated message map functions
    BOOL OnInitDialog() override;
    std::future<HBITMAP> futurebmps[12];


In the .cpp:

BOOL CmytestDlg::OnInitDialog()
    int totalJobs = 12;

    // Queue up all the items,
    for (int i = 0; i < totalJobs; i  )
        futurebmps[i] = std::async(std::launch::async,
            [this](const int i, const std::string& name) {

        // This line is just here to simulate a long running image decode

        HBITMAP hh = nullptr;
        PostMessage(8888, i, 0); // Send a message to display the image
        return hh; // <<< Debug Assertion Error Here (If I close dialog to soon)
        }, i, std::to_string(0));

The message to draw the image is handled by OnRefreshAsyncView:

LRESULT CmytestDlg::OnRefreshAsyncView(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    // For the purpose of a minimal demo, even if this is empty It still casuses the issue.
    return 0;

I believe that the issue is triggered by the call to PostMessage, if I comment out this line, I no longer get the crash.

How do I safely handle the scenario where the dialog is closing? So I can prevent this crash.

CodePudding user response:

My psychic powers suggest that your ATL/MFC program is asserting on the PostMessage call because the window handle became invalid after after you closed/destroyed it. Somewhere in the middle of that PostMessage call is an ASSERT that the m_hWnd instance is non-null. Hence, the assert is calling attention to a real bug in your code.

PostMessage is is a wrapper for the Win32 API: PostMessage And when you invoke the wrapper function on a different thread, it's likely asserts that m_hWnd (or similar HWND member) is non-null.

Consider writing additional (thread safe) code (with a mutex) that prevents PostMessage from getting called at the same time or after WM_CLOSE/WM_DESTROY is getting processed on the handle.

Something like this:

void CmytestDlg::SafePostMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
    std::lock<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
    if (_isHwndValid)
        PostMessage(uMsg, wp, lp);

void CmytestDlg::OnClose(...)
    std::lock<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
    _isHwndValid = false;

Where OnClose is your handler for a WM_CLOSE message and isHwndValid is a bool member of your class that gets set to true when the window is created. And _mutex is a std::mutex.

CodePudding user response:

To extend selbie's answer:

If you want your threads to stop early, you can turn the flag into a std::atomic and check it regularly during your computations, like:

std::mutex _mutex;
std::atomic<bool> _shutdown = false;

void CmytestDlg::LongRunningThing()
   if (_shutdown) return;
   if (_shutdown) return;

void CmytestDlg::SafePostMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
    std::lock<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
    if (!_shutdown)
        PostMessage(uMsg, wp, lp);

void CmytestDlg::OnClose(...)
    std::lock<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
    _shutdown = false;
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