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C # access HTTPS return 508 empty value problem


Request address:
The Head

Accept: */*
The Accept - Encoding: gzip, deflate
The Accept - Language: useful - Hans - CN; Q=1
Connection: keep alive -
The Content - Length: 65
The content-type: application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded
Cookie: tk=f6f24f9e2f2f05430c5bf48677d0e375b62b6f56; Uid=188843132354572160; Lon=118.1717153799041; Idfa=F38DB361 - ceb - A17D e60 5-4 - D65D17FB8AC3; Brand=Apple; PPU="TT=2 d5b3789d67419e8a11fa835bb7bfd2436d997a6 & amp; UID=188843132354572160 & amp; SF=ZHUANZHUAN& SCT=1560691135394 & amp; V=1 & amp; ET=1563279535394 "; Version=1; Domain=zhuanzhuan.com; Max - Age=2592000; Expires=Tue, 16 - Jul - 2019 12:28:39 GMT;; Lat=24.49137198962889; T=16. The STS=1560687918232; The model=iPhone10%2 c3; V=6.9.1; Zz_t=16;
The user-agent: zhuanzhuan/6.9.1 (iPhone; IOS 12.3.1; Scale/3.00)

Post parameter
Price_f=100 & amp; OrderId=1140235437286877801 & amp; LogisticsCompany=mianjiao
HTTP/1.1 508
Server: Tengine
Date: the Sun, 16 Jun 2019 18:24:56 GMT
The Content - Length: 0
Connection: keep alive -

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