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Natural language processing and the application prospect of artificial intelligence


The NLP of artificial intelligence, natural language processing? ? NLP? (Natural? Language? Processing)? Is the one field of artificial intelligence (AI),??????
Natural language is the crystallization of human wisdom, natural language processing is one of the most difficult problem in artificial intelligence, and the study of natural language processing is also full of charm and challenges, with the wide application of computers and the Internet, the computer can be used to deal with an unprecedented growth in the number of natural language text, text mining for huge amounts of information, information extraction, cross-language information processing, human-computer interaction application demand rapid growth, such as natural language processing research will have a profound effect on our lives, the psychology of NLP: neuro-linguistic programming, official solution? NLP is neuro-linguistic programming? (Neuro Linguistic? Programming)? English abbreviation, in Hong Kong, also have to learn grammar program of body and mind, N? (Neuro)? Refers to the nervous system, including the brain and the process of thought, L? (Linguistic)? Refers to the language, more accurately, refers to the input from the sensory signals to form meaning, P? (Programming)? Means to produce a certain consequences and to perform a specific instruction, namely our thinking and behavior habits, as in a computer program that can be changed through the update software, therefore, NLP can be explained by study of how our brains work, know how the brain works, we can cooperate and improve it, so that more success and happiness in life, and therefore, the NLP translated into "physical and mental grammar program learn" or "neuro-linguistic programming learning,"? ??
NLP is the study of human subjective experience, a more straightforward, NLP technique is a kind of thought, NLP is the language we use to change the physical and mental state of specific methods, the creation of its people find some outstanding people, studies how they have some program, to sum up, then teach other people, and believe that other people if you can master these program, also can achieve success,????? How can we create each of us unique inner world? How do we choose the incoming information in the brain, we realize how these information, how do we store these information, how to store these information and the other in the information fusion, and how to use them?? NLP, the founder of the NLP is the main the discoverer of the DE and Richard green, and green, is one of the world's most famous linguist, class, is a mathematician, gestalt psychologist and computer experts, they decide to make a set of two people to imitate others' research, objects are those who are very successful in many ways, he analyzes some successful businessman, physicians and other leader in the industry, we try to get from their success after many years of trial and error, and conclude some successful model, they imitate, of the following three people after the classification of a number of effective behavior intervention model, makes them famous, the three men is one of the greatest hypnotherapy scientist sven goran eriksson, ms outstanding family doctor sand tyre and anthropologist Gregory bateson, for example, green, and class, two people find sand tyre can easily build relationships, and other trade has not, so they find her unique pattern, also teach students to use, even if they don't have any experience, but also made from the sand, no less grades to they sow the seeds of the same, the same harvest, imitate the boil down from the three basic patterns of experience and help and green class, also set up their own patterns and teach out, these patterns is that we now know NLP,?
Colorado, give the definition of NLP: about human behavior and communication program mode of a set of detailed feasible, though it itself is not a set of psychotherapy, the important law of NLP can be applied to understand human experience and behavior, and make the change, NLP has been used in the treatment, the result is a set of effect is strong, quick and implicit skills, can in the aspect of human behavior and ability to make extensive and long-term change, NLP focus on fundamental flaw and heavy bear design thought pattern, in order to more flexible and ability, reference the wise "cow" explanation: N (Neuro) refers to the nervous system, free translation as the body and mind, refers to the relatively stable physical and mental qualities, we structure and comparison of dynamic state of body and mind,?????? You said that you are confident, this is a quality of heart, N; You said you a little sleepy, it is a state of body, N,? L refers to the language, refers to the words we use in our communication, short sentences and tones and all body; And inner dialogue, imagine also belongs to the language,
Natural language processing is to use the electronic computer as the tool to uniquely human written and verbal forms of various types of information processing and natural language processing technology, the technology for using environment and huge potential for development, has become a special marginal interdisciplinary and involves linguistics, computer science and mathematics, etc., the aim of natural language processing is to establish all kinds of natural language processing system, including machine translation, natural language understanding system, automatic retrieval system, automatic identification system, database system, such as natural language is one of the advanced features of the human brain, is also the important symbol of human is distinguished from other animals, humans can use natural language exchange of ideas, in interpersonal communication and played a huge role in society, in addition, people also use natural language for thinking activity, recognize the nature and law of things, the so-called "the voice of the mind", means that humans can't from a express the nature of the tool for thinking, every time the human thinking, in fact is equivalent to himself and his dialogue, it can be said that out of the natural language, human society and the development of science and technology can't be true orderly manner, since the birth of computer, human and computer interaction can only be realized through programming language code,
在自然语言处理中,主题就是词项的实际概率分布,在此领域中可以将主题作为词项的主要概率分布,通过主题模型利用词项进行文档级的信息抽取,获得一些语义类似与相关的主题集合,同时可以把词项中的相关文档变换为主题空间,并且在文档的低维空间中进行表达,随着医疗大数据技术的进步,护理不良事件的大数据分析能够整合所有数据进行处理,以获得更加全面,精准的分析结果[1],然而,当前绝大多数医院的护理不良事件上报都以非结构文本的形式录入[2-3],限制了计算机的分析能力,护理不良事件中的非结构数据包含大量特异性信息,需要对这些非结构数据进行人工分析,然而基于人工的因素分析会导致标准不统一,统计困难,工作负荷大等问题[4-5],并且无法被计算机直接识别,限制了大数据分析能力,自然语言处理(natural language processing,NLP)是使用机器处理人类语言的理论和技术[6],能够识别人类语言,并转化为结构化数据,自然语言处理的定义1999年,美国计算机学家Bill Manaris在"计算机进展"一书中提出了自然语言处理一词,将其定义为研究在人与人交际中以及在人与计算机交际中的语言问题的一门学科,而随着现代化技术的发展,如今的自然语言处理的广泛定义为自然语言处理研究在人机交互的过程中,如何能使人类与计算机更高效地进行通信的理论知识和科学手段,它囊括了计算机学,语言学和数学,其过程主要分为四个阶段:对人类面的语言进行处理,以缜密的数学形式化模型呈现出; The mathematical model to can on the computer algorithm model of the input; According to defined algorithm model, write computer language program, makes possible the application of natural language processing to achieve; To further optimize the molding of natural language processing model, is applied in more fields, 2 the historical development of natural language processing in the 1940 s to the 1950 s belongs to natural language processing technology of the bud, in the meantime, A.M.T uring the computer algorithm model laid the foundation for the modern computer science,
In recent years, along with learning science, neuroscience and the continuous development of computer science, research and development of the application of artificial intelligence, it appeared the explosive growth,
In fact, in recent years, our life has been more and more applied to the artificial intelligence technology, for example in the medical field, language, communication, etc., from the point of the current distribution of our community, artificial intelligence, industry and related industries are mainly distributed in Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou these first-tier cities, the artificial intelligence in these lines to a city, city of related engineer's average wage is usually at around $thirty thousand a month, in guangzhou, shenzhen, the big cities, and some annual salaries as high as 800000 or more, from the perspective of a national policy guidance, policy guidance has risen to national strategy of artificial intelligence of the macro level, the artificial intelligence related industries and the development of related technologies, national policy support area is very large,
Especially we are implementing industrial transformation and upgrading in recent years, under the background of the big good learning professional artificial intelligence, can be said to be the current university students be able to select the hold time of the pulse of the popular major,? We know that the fourth technological revolution brewing in the center, the future development of artificial intelligence will become more and more quickly, and is better than all influence the way we live and the way of thinking, there are dozens of professional colleges and universities should be open artificial intelligence, facing across the country to recruit students, the direction of specialization, the permeability of the professional technology of artificial intelligence is very strong, he and industrial robots, economic, financial, medical and other related professional fields can be very tight,
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