Home > Net >  Register API script error - the object reference not set to an instance of an object
Register API script error - the object reference not set to an instance of an object


Written before looking for EXE program, because don't know the source, do not need to, who knows, get broken yesterday, with dense, run the program according to "registered scripting API error - the object reference not set to an instance of an object" which a given source code is as follows, please know what problem is where error:

//Token: 0 x06000d74 RID: 3444 RVA: 0 x00302180 File Offset: 0 x00302180
Public void method_38 ()
Enclosing pLuaVM=new Lua ();
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SendMissionMsg ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" task tip data "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SendSysMsg ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" system "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SendKongfuMsg ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" study skills tips "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SendNoticeMsg ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" announcements "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddQuest ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" set the task data "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddStKongfu ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" learn to fighting skill book "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddQigong ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" new qigong "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddSkill ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" study skills "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (add items "Script"));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddItmeProp ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" add attributes to items with "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" DelItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" delete item "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddQuestItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" add task items "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetWorldItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" GetWorldItme "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPlayer ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" GetPlayerThis "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetQuestLevel ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" Get task stage "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPackage ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" get parcel space location "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPackages ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" get parcel vacancy position group "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPakItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" get parcel items "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetQuestItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" get the quest items "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetPlayerTransfer ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" character turn professional "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetQigong ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" new qigong "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetPlayerLevel ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" set the players up "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetPlayerVIP ", this base. GetType () GetMethod () member set characters ");
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetPlayerRxpiont ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" set character wing "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" UpGongFu ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" update fighting skill and state "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" UpMoney ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" update money and weight "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" UpExp ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" update experience and experience "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" UpYzbItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" initial words have items "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" UpUseItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (items, the use of "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" TEstMsg, "this base. GetType () GetMethod (" TEstMsg"));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPakItemNum ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" a package item number "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPakItembool ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" query parcel item number "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" DelPakItme ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" del package items "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetQingludu ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" set lovers love "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetAddExp ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" increase people experience value "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetPlayerRxpiontx ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" treasure integral set characters "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddItemTs ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (add items "tips"));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" UpQuestData ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" update task information "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" SetPetTransfer ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" apply to change your job spirit beast "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetPetLevel ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" query spirit beast grade "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" GetQuestStatus ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" query task status "));
Enclosing pLuaVM. RegisterFunction (" AddMission ", this base. GetType () GetMethod (" set the task data N "));
The catch (Exception ex)
Form1. Smethod_2 (2, "registered scripting API error -" + ex. Message);

//Token: 0 x06000d75 RID: 3445 RVA: 0 x0027703e File Offset: 0 x0027703e
Public void method_39 ()
Enclosing luaFunction_0=this. PLuaVM. GetFunction (" OpenItmeTrigGer ");
Enclosing luaFunction_1=this. PLuaVM. GetFunction (" DestroyMonster ");

//Token: 0 x06000d76 RID: 3446 RVA: 0 x0027706c File Offset: 0 x0027706c
Public void the Close ()
This. Dictionary_0. The Clear ();
This. LuaFunction_1. The Dispose ();
This. LuaFunction_0. The Dispose ();
This. PLuaVM. Close ();
GClass63. ScriptClass_0=null;

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