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For help, similar to the MVVM pattern developed software package release


As shown in pictures, the building has developed a similar software, but at the time of release packaging meet trouble, is through vs2017 own setup project release, click on the main output it only debug the following a few things, and other similar Model and the ViewModel he is nothing, only yourself a new folder contains a folder to be published in the packaging, after the completion of the installation in this way a package for a program can run successfully, but anyone who pull myself in such as the Model and the ViewModel classes are in folder. Cs format, source code, then how to operate to let them follow the release together into a DLL format? Written or said the building there is a problem, need a built a library published references again later?

CodePudding user response:

O bosses help ah, very headache

CodePudding user response:

, every brother please help ah

CodePudding user response:

Generate the path clear first,

CodePudding user response:

I didn't understand you the WPF application will generate an exe in the debug and other referenced DLL you can then some exe operation does not need to View the ViewModel folder in the content of the test

CodePudding user response:

Do you want to give copies of the source in the distribution package? What is this operation?
C # program compiled at runtime, do not need to source, unlike Python, js that interpreted languages.

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor ziqi0716 reply:
do you want to give copies of the source in the distribution package? What is this operation?
C # program compiled at runtime, do not need to source, unlike Python, js that interpreted languages.

Big brother see this post I use # CSDN# found this app have technical content of the blog, friends to seek common to publish the project for help!" How to get the project folder release included!" , watch together at https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/398047633

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor ziqi0716 reply:
do you want to give copies of the source in the distribution package? What is this operation?
C # program compiled at runtime, do not need to source, unlike Python, js that interpreted languages.

Bosses see another post, I wrote more than one hundred megabytes of code, but only after the pack out the main output installed two million size, it definitely can not run, that is to say, I am the project folder he didn't give me compile packaged in

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor OrdinaryCoder response:
I didn't understand you the WPF application will generate an exe in the debug and other referenced DLL you can then some exe operation does not need to View the ViewModel folder content test in

He didn't put me in the other file under the current project the contents of the compilation of packaged in together, it is just only put the debug package, this package out installation after only a few megabytes size, and the contents completely only content under the debug, and I am the child project folder is at the bin level, not in the debug, pack it completely can't tube that, to now I pack installation after only a little content, is the only one main window and a few references of DLL in the main window

CodePudding user response:

How do you didn't understand the concept of release, release also released the source code

CodePudding user response:

If there is a resource file events can be generated in the project - "attribute -" - "copy generated later write generated later in events to the debug directory

CodePudding user response:

references to the tenth floor OrdinaryCoder response:
if there is a resource file can be generated in the project - "attribute -" - "generated later events in writing copy generated later events to the debug directory

Is absolutely don't need to release the source code

CodePudding user response:

11 references OrdinaryCoder response:
Quote: reference to the tenth floor OrdinaryCoder response:
if there is a resource file can be generated in the project - "attribute -" - "generated later events in writing copy generated later events to the debug directory

Is absolutely don't need to release the source code

That my package is not only to the main output, but also all the things in the current project output?
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