String connetStr="server=; Port=3306; User=root; Password=123456; The database=ss; ";
//server= localhost on behalf of the native, port to port the default is 3306 can not write a
MySqlConnection conn=new MySqlConnection (connetStr);
conn.Open();//open channel, to establish a connection, may be abnormal, the use of the try catch statement
RichTextBox1. Text="successful connection";//set the Text property
//use the code here to add or delete the database to check change
String commandStr="insert into pifu (cdkey, name, a list) values (aaa, BBB, CCC)";
The catch (MySqlException ex)
//the Console. WriteLine (ex. Message);
RichTextBox1. Text="connection";//set the Text property
The finally
I ask the last string commandStr="insert into pifu (cdkey, name, a list) values (aaa, BBB, CCC)";
I equal to a database table called pifu cdkey, name, list the three tables respectively inserted into the aaa, BBB, CCC wrote no effect, so short of what execute commands?