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Docker deployment start access aspnet applications


 public class Program 
Public static void Main (string [] args)
//like to solve Chinese garbled
Encoding. RegisterProvider (CodePagesEncodingProvider. Instance);

Var builder=new ServiceHostBuilder ();

Var host=builder. RegisterServices ((container)=& gt;

}). UseWeb ()
The Build ();

The host. The Run ();

The catch (Exception ex)
Console. WriteLine (ex. Message);


Public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder (string [] args)=& gt;
Host. CreateDefaultBuilder (args)
ConfigureWebHostDefaults (webBuilder=& gt;
WebBuilder. UseStartup (a);

I put the original startup code UseWeb, deployed to the docker can't access, but is can access local direct start,

Docker run - name netcore - web - d - 8999 p: 80 core - web start

 public static IServiceHostBuilder UseWeb (this IServiceHostBuilder serviceHostBuilder) 
Var executeAss=Assembly. GetCallingAssembly ();
Var path=path. GetDirectoryName (Assembly. GetCallingAssembly (). The Location).
Var viewDll=Path.Com bine (path, executeAss GetName (). The Name + ". Views. DLL ");

The Assembly viewAsm=null;

If (the File. The Exists (viewDll))
ViewAsm=Assembly. LoadFrom (viewDll);


ServiceHostBuilder. AddHostService ((IHostBuilder hostBuilder)=& gt;
HostBuilder. ConfigureWebHostDefaults (webHostBuilder=& gt;

ConfigureServices (services=& gt;
Services. AddControllersWithViews ();
Var mvcBuilder=services. AddMvc ();
If (viewAsm!=null)
MvcBuilder. AddApplicationPart (viewAsm);
MvcBuilder. AddApplicationPart (executeAss);

Configure ((context, app)=& gt;
If (context. HostingEnvironment. IsDevelopment ())
App. UseDeveloperExceptionPage ();
The else
App. UseExceptionHandler ("/Home/Error ");
//The default value is 30 days HSTS. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.
App. UseHsts ();
App. UseHttpsRedirection ();
App. UseStaticFiles ();

App. UseRouting ();

App. UseAuthorization ();

App. UseEndpoints (endpoints=& gt;
Endpoints. MapControllerRoute (
Name: "default",
The pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id? } ");



Return serviceHostBuilder;

CodePudding user response:

If you can't connect the database, first to see if you install the container starts, you can debug your container, look in that step

CodePudding user response:

Docker logs - since 30 m container ID
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