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Consult a on web embedded Windows Media Player, not problems to recognize the playlist, thank you ve


Aspx page


Newlist. Asx file content

I want to ask about how can recognize the playlist, asp.net is can't use the asx file?

CodePudding user response:

The browser F12, open the developer tools
Cut to the network TAB, refresh the page
See address is successful visit,

To do this, we are talking about the back of the things

CodePudding user response:

Thank you very much, can visit the aspx page, http://localhost:24543/wctv/Default3.aspx, but http://localhost:24543/wctv/newlist.asx is to asx file downloaded to the local

CodePudding user response:

Need to add Mime

". Asx ", "video/x - ms - the asf"

Because I don't know your environment, so head to your netcore information


If you don't use netcore, realizes the basic similar, is a new suffix mapping, this may also directly in iis

CodePudding user response:

For example,


CodePudding user response:

Thank you very much, I added & lt; System. WebServer>

Still have no reaction, I according to your teaching of f12, Chrome tips. Aspx file error
<script language="javascript" & gt;
The function WHplay () {
Document. All (" WHImage "). Style. The display="none";
Document. All (" MediaPlayer "). Style. The display="block";
document. All (" MediaPlayer "). The play ();
The function PlayWmv () {
Document. All (" MediaPlayer "). The stop ();
Document. All (" WHImage "). Style. The display="block";
document. All (" MediaPlayer "). Style. The display="none";

Use ie tip hwDas CodePudding user response:

id="MediaPlayer " width="310" height="220" & gt;

CodePudding user response:

Looking for a post, use js control media player play prompt didn't play () method in https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/397092040, but did not solve, I think it is should be able to play, because
The value assigned to specific values can play

CodePudding user response:

Mp all methods of attribute here:
Firefox plugin, Chrome not too clear,

If (1!=the navigator. UserAgent. IndexOf (" MSIE "))
Document. Write (' & lt; The OBJECT id="Player");
Document. The write (' every "that six bf52a52-394 - a - 11 d3 - B153-00 c04f79faa6" ');
Document. Write (' width=300 height=200 & gt;
Else if (1!=the navigator. UserAgent. IndexOf (" Firefox "))
Document. Write (' & lt; The OBJECT id="Player");
Document. Write (' type="application/x - ms - WMP '");
Document. Write (' width=300 height=200 & gt;

CodePudding user response:

Thank you, I also in the various attempts
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