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How oracle bulk insert datatable or list


Need to write a job move data, currently use OracleBulkCopy, but table has the trigger will not be able to use the

CodePudding user response:

Yes, you need to disable the trigger these to bulkcopy

CodePudding user response:

reference 1/f, guiyang horse Ma Shanfu plugging waterproof engineering professional maintenance of swimming pool response:
yes, you need to disable the trigger these, first to bulkcopy

Disable the trigger first, then insert the inappropriate, must move data is wrong, only to find other way

CodePudding user response:

I find on the net of insert method, but you will be prompted to type as the object of "System. The String" cast to type System. "Array",
Public static int BatchInsert (string tableName, DataTable dt, string conStr, string [] strColumns)

Int dtRowsCount=dt. Rows. Count;
Int iResult=0;
The StringBuilder sbCmdText=new StringBuilder ();
If (dtRowsCount & gt; 0)
//ready to insert SQL
SbCmdText. Append (" BEGIN ");

for (int i=0; I & lt; Dt. Rows. Count; I++)
SbCmdText. AppendFormat (" INSERT INTO {0} (" tableName);
SbCmdText. Append (string. Join (", ", strColumns));
SbCmdText. Append (") VALUES (");
SbCmdText. Append (" : a00:1450:8006 "+ I + string. Join (", : a00:1450:8006" + I, strColumns));
SbCmdText. Append (); "" );

SbCmdText. Append (" END." );

Using (OracleConnection conn=new OracleConnection (conStr))
Using (OracleCommand CMD=conn. CreateCommand ())
//bind the batch number of rows
CMD. ArrayBindCount=dtRowsCount;
CMD. BindByName=true;
Cmd.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;
Cmd.Com mandText=sbCmdText. ToString ();
Cmd.Com mandTimeout=600;//10 minutes

//create the parameter
OracleParameter oraParam;
List Cacher=new List (a);
OracleDbType dbType=OracleDbType. Object;
For (int j=0; j {
for (int i=0; I & lt; StrColumns. The Count (); I++)
DbType=GetOracleDbType (dt. Rows [j] [I]);
OraParam=new OracleParameter (" a00:1450:8006 "+ j + strColumns [I], dbType);
OraParam. Direction=ParameterDirection. Input;
OraParam. OracleDbTypeEx=dbType;
OraParam. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/dt.Rows [j] [I];
CMD. The Parameters. The Add (oraParam);
//open the connection
Conn. The Open ();

Execute the batch *//*
Var trans=conn. BeginTransaction ();
CMD. Transaction=trans;
IResult=CMD. ExecuteNonQuery ();
Trans.Com MIT ();
The catch (Exception ex)
Trans. The Rollback ();
Throw the ex.
The finally
if (conn !=null) conn. Close ();

Return iResult;

/* *
* depending on the type of data access OracleDbType
Private static OracleDbType GetOracleDbType (object value)
OracleDbType dataType=OracleDbType. Object;
If value is a string ()
DataType=OracleDbType. Varchar2;
Else if (the value is a DateTime)
DataType=OracleDbType. TimeStamp;
Else if (the value is an int | | value is)
DataType=OracleDbType. Int32;
Else if (value is long)
DataType=OracleDbType. Int64;
Else if (the value is a decimal | | value is double | | value is a float)
DataType=OracleDbType. A Decimal;
Else if (value is Guid)
DataType=OracleDbType. Varchar2;
Else if (value is bool | | value is a Boolean)
DataType=OracleDbType. Byte;
Else if (value is byte)
DataType=OracleDbType. Blob;
Else if (value is char)
DataType=OracleDbType. Char;
Return dataType.

CodePudding user response:

No timeliness requirements, you can try penthaho kettle
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