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For text merge VB statements turn.net statements


Requirements: I have two text, one is the cumulative details, a Japanese subsidiary, I want to use a statement, can intercept days after the date of execution details of each before 6, add the "|" + "date" such as 20201015, copied to the cumulative behind schedule,
The original statement:
Sub demo ()
Dim temp As String
Open "C: \ Users \ day detail. TXT" For Input As # 1
Open "C: \ Users \ accumulated detail. TXT" For Append As # 2
The Line Input # 1, temp
Do Until EOF (1)
The Line Input # 1, temp
Print # 2, and the Left (temp, 6) & amp; "|" & amp; Format (Date, "yyyymmdd")
Close # 1, # 2
End Sub

What a great god can help us to use on VS2013 statement?
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