Home > Net >  IL compile, could you tell me how to modify the code, so that it always returns true value, is the d
IL compile, could you tell me how to modify the code, so that it always returns true value, is the d


The method of public hidebysig newslot virtual final
The instance of the class [mscorlib] System. The Threading. Tasks. Task ` 1
IsLicensedAsync (class a. icensingServer. Models. LicenseKey ` 1 key,
! TResourceType resourceType,
Valuetype a. icensingServer. Enums. LicenseScope scope) cil managed
. Custom instance void. [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices AsyncStateMachineAttribute: : ctor (class [mscorlib] System. Type)=(01 00 3 f 55, 69 to 50, 61, 74, 68 2 e 4. 6, 69, 63, 65, 73/e/c. ? A. icens
6 e 53 65 72 76 65 67 69 72 2 e 4, 69, 63, 65 (6), 73/e/c ingServer. Licens
6 e 53 65 72 76 65 67 72 69 33 60 49 73 4 c/2 b, 3 c/ingServer ` 3 + 69 63 65 6 e 41 73 79 73 65 64 e, 63 3 64 5 f/f/e icensedAsync> d__
31 and 32 00 00)//12..
//Code size 81 (0 x51)
Maxstack 2
The locals init (valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' V_0,
Valuetype [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 V_1)
IL_0000: ldloca s V_0
IL_0002: ldarg. 0
IL_0003: STFLD class a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : '<>'
IL_0008: ldloca s V_0
IL_000a: ldarg.IL_000b: STFLD class a. icensingServer. Models. LicenseKey ` 1 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : key
IL_0010: ldloca s V_0
IL_0012: ldarg.IL_0013: STFLD! 1 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : resourceType
IL_0018: ldloca s V_0
IL_001a: ldarg.IL_001b: STFLD valuetype a. icensingServer. Enums. LicenseScope valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : scope
IL_0020: ldloca s V_0
IL_0022: call valuetype. [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 valuetype [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 : : Create ()
IL_0027: STFLD valuetype. [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : '<> t__builder'
IL_002c: ldloca s V_0
IL_002e: LDC. I4. M1
IL_002f: STFLD int32 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : '<> 1 __state'
IL_0034: ldloc. 0
IL_0035: LDFLD valuetype. [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : '<> t__builder'
IL_003a: stloc.IL_003b: ldloca s V_1
IL_003d: ldloca s V_0
IL_003f: call the instance void valuetype. [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 : : Start d__12' (!!!!! 0 &)
IL_0044: ldloca s V_0
IL_0046: ldflda valuetype. [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 valuetype a. icensingServer. LicensingServer ` 3/' d__12' : : '<> t__builder'
IL_004b: call the instance of the class [mscorlib] System. Threading. Tasks. Task ` 1 valuetype [mscorlib] System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. AsyncTaskMethodBuilder ` 1 : : get_Task ()
IL_0050: ret
}//end of method LicensingServer ` 3: : IsLicensedAsync
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