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C # call DLL in the parameters of the void * c how to pass?


C + + header file called

The namespace CSDK
Extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) int the initialize (char * key, void * sdkDelegate)

The void * sdkDelegate are defined as follows:

The class ClientDelegate

Virtual void sendMessage (char * messageID, int sendResult)=0.

Virtual void receiveMessage (int msgType, void * msgObject)=0.

Excuse me each great god c # the initialize method, how to transfer void * sdkDelegate this parameter ah,,, thank you

[DllImport (DLLPATH, EntryPoint="initialize" CharSet=CharSet. Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention. Cdecl)]
Public static extern int the Initialize (string appkey, IntPtr a);

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