How to get the "Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'. The Invalid the usage of the option's NEXT in the FETCH statement."
I baidu to find some methods about start. The cs the following code is not very clear
Public void ConfigureServices (IServiceCollection services)
Services. AddDbContext
Options. UseSqlServer (_config [" ConnectionStrings: DefaultConnection "], p=& gt; P.U seRowNumberForPaging ()));
Then this problem will not be able to handle my whole person is stuck in the here
Request a great god can help answer, integral
CodePudding user response:
OFFSET/FETCH NEXT is the new features of SQL Server 2012The writing in the configuration are changed to use RowNumber function to paging
CodePudding user response:
Tried as useless services. AddDbContext this usage is not very clearCodePudding user response:
The database upgrade to 2012, Microsoft is such