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.net core using Identity, users can't log out


Use SignInManager to control the user login and logout actions;
The login function is normal, when using SignOutAsync cancellation of users has been invalid, but no exception is thrown, a great god, please help to see, the code is as follows:
///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="model" & gt;
///& lt; Returns>
[HttpPost, the Route (" Account/Login ")]
Public JsonResult LoginAsync (LoginModel model)
BaseResult result=new BaseResult ();

Var signInResult=Login (model. The UserName, model. The Password, the model RemenberMe);
If (signInResult. IsNotAllowed)//account is not enabled
Result. The ResultCode=Resources. Tips. LoginTips. SignInUserNotAllowedCode;
Result. The ResultMsg=Resources. Tips. LoginTips. SignInUserNotAllowedMsg;
Else if (signInResult IsLockedOut)//account locked
Result. The ResultCode=Resources. Tips. LoginTips. SignInUserLockedCode;
Result. The ResultMsg=Resources. Tips. LoginTips. SignInUserLockedMsg;
else if (! SignInResult. Succeeded)
Result. The ResultCode=Resources. Tips. LoginTips. SignInPasswordOrUserNameErrorCode;
Result. The ResultMsg=Resources. Tips. LoginTips. SignInPasswordOrUserNameErrorMsg;
If (result. The ResultCode==monObjectSuccessCode CommonTips.Com
LogService. WriteLog (model. The UserName, ValueHelper NowTime + ", IP: "+ HttpContext. GetClientUserIp ()," success ", "login", "account management");
The else
LogService. WriteLog (model. The UserName, ValueHelper NowTime + ", IP: "+ HttpContext. GetClientUserIp () + result. ResultMsg," failure ", "login", "account management");
return Json(result);

//& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
[the Route (" Account/Logout ")]
Public IActionResult LogoutAsync ()
String userId.=HttpContext GetUserId ();
Logout ();
LogService. WriteLog (userId, ValueHelper NowTime + ", IP: "+ HttpContext. GetClientUserIp ()," success ", "logout", "account management");
Return RedirectToAction (" Index ");

///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="username" & gt;
///& lt; Param name="PWD" & gt;
///& lt; Returns>
Public SignInResult Login (string username, string PWD, bool remenberMe)
Return SignInManager. PasswordSignInAsync (username and PWD, remenberMe, false), the Result;

///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Returns>
Public async void Logout ()
Await SignInManager. SignOutAsync ();

CodePudding user response:

Problems may appear on the redirect...

CodePudding user response:

Whether you exit code to add the log normal output? If the output, and explain the cancellation code execution

CodePudding user response:

Identity exit is need in the form form, it is need a Token validation,

Page Views:

  • Hello! @ getUser. ChineseName

Controllers in the AccountController. Cs
Public async Task Logout ()
Await _signInManager. SignOutAsync ();
_logger. LogInformation (" the User logged out. ");
Return RedirectToAction (nameof (HomeController. Index), "Home");

CodePudding user response:

Await the Request. The HttpContext. SignOutAsync ();
Return RedirectToAction (" Login ");
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