Home > Net >  COMException x80070040 (0) : the specified network name is no longer available. COMException x800700
COMException x80070040 (0) : the specified network name is no longer available. COMException x800700


The.net core to upload pictures appear such mistakes. What I don't know where the mistake!
Asp.net if won't appear similar mistakes, since changed. Net core often puzzling guess wrong, don't start!!!!!
X80070040 COMException (0) : the specified network name is no longer available, COMException x80070001 (0) : the function is not correct, this is what?

Category: Microsoft AspNetCore. Diagnostics. ExceptionHandlerMiddleware
EventId: 1
RequestId: 800002 f3-0000 - f000 - c7967bb b63f - 84710
SpanId: | 2 f22d77d - 42 cd529db755df99.
TraceId: 2 f22d77d - 42 cd529db755df99

An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.

Microsoft. AspNetCore. Connections. ConnectionResetException: The client has disconnected
- & gt; System.Runtime.InteropServices.COM Exception (0 x80070040) : the specified network name is no longer available, (0 x80070040)
- End of inner exception stack trace -- -- --
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Server. IIS. Core. IO. AsyncIOOperation. GetResult (Int16 token)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Server. IIS. Core. IISHttpContext. ReadBody ()
Ats System. IO. Pipelines. PipeCompletion. ThrowLatchedException ()
Ats System. IO. Pipelines. Pipe. GetReadResult (ReadResult& The result)
Ats System. IO. Pipelines. Pipe. GetReadAsyncResult ()
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Server. IIS. Core. IISHttpContext. ReadAsync (` 1 Memory, Memory CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Server. IIS. Core. HttpRequestStream. ReadAsyncInternal (` 1 buffer Memory, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft, AspNetCore WebUtilities. BufferedReadStream. EnsureBufferedAsync (Int32 minCount, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft, AspNetCore WebUtilities. MultipartReaderStream. ReadAsync (Byte [] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft, AspNetCore WebUtilities. FileBufferingReadStream. ReadAsync (Byte [] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. WebUtilities. StreamHelperExtensions. DrainAsync (Stream, Stream, ArrayPool ` 1 bytePool, Nullable ` 1 limit, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Http. The Features. FormFeature. InnerReadFormAsync (CancellationToken CancellationToken)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. ModelBinding. FormValueProviderFactory. AddValueProviderAsync (ValueProviderFactoryContext context)
At Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Com positeValueProvider. CreateAsync (ActionContext ActionContext, IList ` 1 factories)
At Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Com positeValueProvider. TryCreateAsync (ActionContext ActionContext, IList ` 1 factories)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Controllers. ControllerBinderDelegateProvider. & lt;> C__DisplayClass0_0. & lt; G__Bind | 0 & gt; D.M oveNext ()
- the End of the stack trace from previous location where the exception was thrown -- -- --
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. & lt; InvokeInnerFilterAsync> G__Awaited | 13 _0 (ControllerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, and the Scope the Scope, Object State, Boolean isCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. & lt; InvokeNextResourceFilter> G__Awaited | 24 _0 (ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, and the Scope the Scope, Object State, Boolean isCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. Rethrow (ResourceExecutedContextSealed context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. Next (State& Next, Scope& The scope, Object& The state, Boolean& IsCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. & lt; InvokeFilterPipelineAsync> 19 _0 g__Awaited | (ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, and the Scope the Scope, Object State, Boolean isCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. & lt; InvokeAsync> G__Awaited | 17 _0 (ResourceInvoker invoker, Task Task, IDisposable scope)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Routing. EndpointMiddleware. & lt; Invoke> G__AwaitRequestTask | 6 _0 (Endpoint Endpoint, Task requestTask, ILogger logger)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Session. SessionMiddleware. Invoke (HttpContext context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Session. SessionMiddleware. Invoke (HttpContext context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Authorization. AuthorizationMiddleware. Invoke (HttpContext context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Authentication. AuthenticationMiddleware. Invoke (HttpContext context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Diagnostics. ExceptionHandlerMiddleware. & lt; Invoke> G__Awaited | 6 _0 (ExceptionHandlerMiddleware middleware, HttpContext context, Task Task)

Or a function is wrong!

Category: Microsoft AspNetCore. Diagnostics. ExceptionHandlerMiddleware
EventId: 1
RequestId: 8000010-0000 - b db00 - b63f - 84710 c7967bb
SpanId: | d2aa1fec - 472 f9e5346a4af46.
TraceId: f9e5346a4af46 d2aa1fec - 472

An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.

Microsoft. AspNetCore. Connections. ConnectionResetException: The client has disconnected
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