Number of recipients [Display (Name="")]
Public string CollectionNO {get; The set; }
[the Display (Name="recipients")]
Public Guid? CollectionUserId {get; The set; }
[the Display (Name="recipients")]
Public UnitUsers CollectionUser {get; The set; }
[the Display (Name="recipients time")]
Public DateTime? CollectionDate {get; The set; }
[the Display (Name="description")]
Public string Note {get; The set; }
Public List
Public class AssetReg//asset register
///& lt; Summary>
///asset code
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="asset code")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
Public string AssetCode {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///asset name
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="Name of the asset")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
While [StringLength (50, ErrorMessage="{0} {1} characters input most")]
Public string AssetName {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///purchase price
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="purchase price")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
Public int? AssetPrice {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="specifications")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
Public string AssetModels {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="units")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
Public Guid? MeasurementUnitId {get; The set; }
[the Display (Name="units")]
Public DictionaryInfo MeasurementUnit {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="user")]
Public Guid? UsingStaffId {get; The set; }
[the Display (Name="user")]
Public UnitUsers UsingStaff {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///buy time
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="buy time")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
Public DateTime? BuyTime {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="suppliers")]
[Required (ErrorMessage="{0} is a mandatory")]
While [StringLength (50, ErrorMessage="{0} {1} characters input most")]
Public string: Supplier {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="remarks")]
Public string few {get; The set; }
///& lt; Summary>
///state, 0 unused, 1, 2 repair, scrap, 3 4 out
///& lt;/summary>
[the Display (Name="status")]
Public AssetStatusEnum? AssetStatus {get; The set; }
As shown in figure is to modify the child table when add recipients information information