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[for] vb.net project development tool transformation problem


Use VS2013 development projects, to VS2017 after this error will be part of the page, the call stack is as follows:
 calls to COM components returned an error HRESULT E_FAIL, 

In the System. The Runtime. InteropServices. Marshal. ThrowExceptionForHRInternal (Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. LanguageServices. Implementation. Utilities. Exceptions. ThrowEFail ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. LanguageServices. Implementation. CodeModel. CodeTypeRef. LookupTypeSymbol ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. LanguageServices. Implementation. CodeModel. CodeTypeRef. Get_TypeKind ()
In EnvDTE. CodeTypeRef. Get_TypeKind ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. Design. Serialization. CodeDom. VSCodeDomParser. GetUrtTypeFromVsType (CodeTypeRef vsType)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. Design. Serialization. CodeDom. VSCodeDomParser. OnTypePopulateMembers (Object sender, EventArgs e)
In the System. The CodeDom. CodeTypeDeclaration. Get_Members ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. Design. Serialization. CodeDom. MergedCodeDomParser. CodeTypeDeclarationPopulator. OnPopulateMembers (Object sender, EventArgs e)
In the System. The CodeDom. CodeTypeDeclaration. Get_Members ()
The System.Com ponentModel. Design. Serialization. TypeCodeDomSerializer. Deserialize (IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration)
The System.Com ponentModel. Design. Serialization. CodeDomDesignerLoader. PerformLoad (IDesignerSerializationManager manager)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. Design. Serialization. CodeDom. VSCodeDomDesignerLoader. PerformLoad (IDesignerSerializationManager serializationManager)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. Design. Serialization. CodeDom. VSCodeDomDesignerLoader. DeferredLoadHandler.. Microsoft VisualStudio. TextManager. Interop. IVsTextBufferDataEvents. onl oadCompleted (Int32 fReload)

However, if the platform of the configuration manager from anycpu into x64 can normal open designer

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