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System.Runtime.InteropServices.COM Exception document has not yet been opened


The Exception System.Runtime.InteropServices.COM
HResult=0 x8004180b
Message=document has not been open,
Source=clientdoc. DLL
The at CrystalDecisions. ReportAppServer. ClientDoc. ReportClientDocumentClass. Set_ReportAppServer (String pbsVal)
The at CrystalDecisions. ReportAppServer. ReportClientDocumentWrapper. Set_ReportAppServer (String value)
The at CrystalDecisions. CrystalReports. Engine. ReportDocument. The Initialize ()
The at CrystalDecisions. CrystalReports. Engine. ReportDocument.. Ctor ()
The at CrystalDecisions. CrystalReports. Engine. ReportClass.. Ctor ()
At the ERP. The RP. CryPurCollectReport.. Ctor () in D: \ '06 \ Project \ ERP \ RP \ CryPurCollectReport cs: line 21
The at ERP. FormDataAnalyse. InitializeComponent () in D: \ 6/Project/ERP/RP \ FormDataAnalyse Designer. Cs: line 32
The at ERP. FormDataAnalyse.. Ctor () in D: \ '06 \ Project \ ERP \ RP \ FormDataAnalyse cs: line 17
The at ERP. FormMain. FormMain_Load (Object sender, EventArgs e) in D: \ 06 \ Project \ ERP \ FormMain cs: line 31
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The Form. The onl oad (EventArgs e)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The Form. OnCreateControl ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The CreateControl (Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The CreateControl ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. WmShowWindow (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. WndProc (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The Form. WmShowWindow (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. NativeWindow. DebuggableCallback (IntPtr hWnd, Int32 MSG, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Excuse me, great god what's the problem,,,
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