Home > Net >  C # Socket CBNet - FP Ethernet connection
C # Socket CBNet - FP Ethernet connection


Can send data, but not receive data server port, listening is also an error (using the local IP port can send and receive data)
TcpClient TcpClient=new TcpClient ();
TcpClient. Connect (IPAddress. Parse (textBox1. Text), Int32. Parse (textBox2. Text));
NetworkStream ns=tcpClient. GetStream ();
If (ns. CanWrite)
Byte [] sendBytes=Encoding. The Default. GetBytes (richTextBox2. Text);
Ns. Write (sendBytes, 0, sendBytes. Length);
TcpClient. Close ();
Ns. The Close ();
The else
MessageBox. Show (" cannot write data flow ");
TcpClient. Close ();
Ns. The Close ();
The catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox. Show (ex. Message);
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