Home > Net >  C # will post json data sent to the server and the response returns a json data code go wrong respon
C # will post json data sent to the server and the response returns a json data code go wrong respon


 ServicePointManager. ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=RemoteCertificateValidate; 
ServicePointManager. SecurityProtocol=SecurityProtocolType. Tls;
Encoding Encoding.=Encoding UTF8;
HttpWebRequest request=(HttpWebRequest) WebRequest. Create (url);
Request. The Method="POST";
Request. Accept="application/json, text/javascript, */*; Q=0.01 ";
//request. ContentType="application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded; Charset=utf-8 ";
Request. ContentType="application/json";
Byte [] buffer=encoding. GetBytes (body);
Request. ContentLength=buffer. Length;
Request. GetRequestStream (.) Write (buffer, 0, buffer. Length);
HttpWebResponse response=(HttpWebResponse) request. The method GetResponse ();
//HttpWebResponse response=request. The method GetResponse () as HttpWebResponse;
Using (StreamReader reader=new StreamReader (response. GetResponseStream (), Encoding, UTF8))
HttpStatusCode cc=response. StatusCode;
Console. WriteLine (" HttpStatusCode -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "+ cc. The ToString ());
Return reader. ReadToEnd ();

In this code: HttpWebResponse response=(HttpWebResponse) request. The method GetResponse ();
Error: System.Net.WebException: "remote server returns an error: (500) internal server error"
Survey didn't understand, one day, for help

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500 could be the server, it is possible that the parameter problem
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