CodePudding user response:
int, i.e., where the string?
Quote: refer to the second floor ziqi0716 response: int, i.e., where the string? ET_Buffer * pDongleInfo
Quote: refer to the third floor Nick_Ngai response: Quote: refer to the second floor ziqi0716 response: int, i.e., where the string? ET_Buffer * pDongleInfo What is this call reference, ET_Buffer definition? Char *? C # can use StringBuilder.
Quote: refer to the sixth floor ziqi0716 response: Quote: reference Nick_Ngai reply: 3/f Quote: reference ziqi0716 reply 2 floor: int, i.e., where the string? ET_Buffer * pDongleInfo What is this call reference, ET_Buffer definition? Char *? C # can use StringBuilder. [DllImport (" SDK. DLL, "EntryPoint=" GetDongleInfo ")] Public static extern int GetDongleInfo (IntPtr handler, ref StringBuilder pDongleInfo); Like this?
Quote: reference Nick_Ngai reply: 3/f Quote: reference ziqi0716 reply 2 floor: int, i.e., where the string? ET_Buffer * pDongleInfo What is this call reference, ET_Buffer definition? Char *? C # can use StringBuilder.
Quote: reference ziqi0716 reply 2 floor: int, i.e., where the string? ET_Buffer * pDongleInfo
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