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XML matters generated after the completion of the xis: type becomes a type


XmlElement xe1=xmlnode. CreateElement method (" entry ", xmlnode. DocumentElement. NamespaceURI);//create a & lt; Entry> Node
XmlElement xe2=xmlnode. The CreateElement method (" observation ");
Xe2. SetAttribute (" classCode ", "OBS");
Xe2. SetAttribute (" moodCode ", "EVN");
Xe1. The AppendChild (xe2);
XmlElement code=xmlnode. CreateElement method (" code ", xmlnode. DocumentElement. NamespaceURI);
Code. The SetAttribute (" code ", "DE05.10.148.00");
Code. The SetAttribute (" codeSystemName ", "health information data elements directory");
Code. The SetAttribute (" codeSystem ", "");
Code. The SetAttribute (" displayName ", "diagnostic code");
Xe2. The AppendChild (code);
//XmlNode childrenNode=doc. The CreateElement method (" AbstractEntity ");
//XmlAttribute cnAttr=doc. CreateAttribute (" xsi: type ");

XmlElement value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/xmlnode.CreateElement (" value ", xmlnode. DocumentElement. NamespaceURI);
Value. The SetAttribute (" code ", "L20.900");
Value. The SetAttribute (" codeSystemName ", "ICD - 10");
CodeSystem value. SetAttribute (" ", "");
Value. The SetAttribute (" displayName ", "atopic dermatitis");
Value. The SetAttribute (" xis: type ", "CD");
Xe2. The AppendChild (value);
Root. The AppendChild (xe1);

Generated after the completion of the xis: type becomes a type
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