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ChartFX7 on the Histogram of image in the c # WinForm, data Histogram shows the position and the X a


Data source for an array (tried several data types such as List, Table effect is the same)
First of all set the chart on the lower limit is shown in the image on the
 (ChartFX. WinForms. Statistical. IStudy) (statistics1. Studies [5])). The Visible=chkSpecLimit. Checked; 
((ChartFX WinForms. Statistical. IStudy) (statistics1. Studies [6])). The Visible=chkSpecLimit. Checked;

The abscissa is to set up the range of maximum and minimum
 if (xMax & gt;=dUSL) 
ChartHistogram. AxesX [1]. The Max=xMax * 1.0005;
The else
ChartHistogram. AxesX [1]. The Max=dUSL * 1.0005;
If (xMin & lt;=dLSL)
ChartHistogram. AxesX [1]. Min=xMin * 0.9995;
The else
ChartHistogram. AxesX [1]. Min=dLSL * 0.9995;

This section is to set up image pillars (statistical interval) and display the number of the pillars of the index range
 statistics1. Gallery. Histogram. Intervals=50 
Statistics1. Gallery. Histogram. LimitLeft=0;
Statistics1. Gallery. Histogram. LimitRight=statistics1. Gallery. Histogram. Intervals;

If the abscissa setting range first, set up statistics after the interval, the result is:

As shown in figure, the black line for the USL and LSL, but because the USL is larger than any number in an array, directly on the image to see the red line is still curve boundary, each partition can drag to view the sample proportion, the abscissa value and the actual data values are matched,

But if the first set of statistical interval (20) or do not set the default, after setting abscissa scope, the image will become like this:

Visible, although the USL and LSL are displayed at this time, make the curve corresponding to and consistent with the actual data range, but the histogram does not follow, still fill the whole of the X axis, I expect the display should be as compressed histogram also want to make the curve to the scope of the actual data for the

Bosses excuse me, where I was wrong, very grateful,

CodePudding user response:

There are so two attributes in the API, but whatever I is set to the actual data range or contains the complete coordinates of the lower limit range, the result is like the first picture effect, confused the two attributes are used to doing
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