Windows installed make cross compiler GCC - arm and arm - none - eabi, environment variables of the system is also added path, but compile my own project makefile enforce the make an error; So look for the other project, is also need to make and arm - none - eabi environment, execute the make can normal compile
Error message:
system cannot find the specified path,
CC not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - GCC).
System cannot find the specified path,
LD not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - LD).
System cannot find the specified path,
CP is not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - objcopy).
System cannot find the specified path,
OD not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - objdump).
System cannot find the specified path,
AR not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - AR).
System cannot find the specified path,
RD not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - readelf).
System cannot find the specified path,
The SIZE not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - SIZE).
System cannot find the specified path,
GCC was not found on the PATH (arm - none - eabi - GCC).
The Required Program (s) CC LD CP OD AR RD SIZE GCC not found
Tools arm - none - eabi - GCC not installed.
System cannot find the specified path,
The rf bin
Process_begin: CreateProcess (NULL, rf bin,... ) failed.
Make (e=2) : the system cannot find the specified file,
Make: [all] error 2 (ignore)