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An error occurred when running CRISP software


Error in operation CRISP calling the variant
LZW @ shefv: LAPTOP - 474/MNT/e/BS/SH11 $/MNT/e/BS//CRISP CRISP - 122713 - bams/MNT/e/BS/SH11 SH11_dup. Bam - ref/MNT/e/project data/SH11 GCF_000002495. 2 _mg8_genomic. Fna -- 40 - minc 10 - VCF SH11_variant MMQ. VCF

CRISP options: 13 min_mapping_score QVoffset 33 min_base_quality 40 max_permutations poolsize 2 CT - 20000 pvalue QV - thresh - 3.5 - pvalue - thresh - 5.0

Reading fasta index file/MNT/e/BS/SH11 GCF_000002495. 2 _mg8_genomic. Fna. Fai... Fasta file/MNT/e/BS/SH11 GCF_000002495. 2 _mg8_genomic. Fna has 53 chromosomes/contigs

Processing 5610956 bamfiles:...

Poolsize for each sample is 2
Open: No to the file or directory
Unable to open the BAM file
Hint I can't find the file path, bam file could not be opened, but I have to file directory exists bam file
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