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Under the environment of hpunix mysql, mycat not work properly


Ask a question, on hpunix, according to the loading is mysql5.1.56 database, using mycat middleware, mycat services can rise, but the connection is not on the mysql database, mycat with mysql heart cannot complete,
The same configuration, the Linux + mysql5.5, mycat can run normally, the following is hpunix reporting errors, consult the expert!!!!!!!!!!

The 2021-04-26 09:51:18. 190 INFO [Timer0] (. IO. Mycat. Backend datasource. PhysicalDatasource. GetConnection (564) PhysicalDatasource. Java:) - no ilde connection pool in 23414049, the create new connection for of schema zh30 totalConnectionCount: 0 increamentCount: 1
2021-04-26 09:51:48. 220 ERROR [Timer0] (IO) mycat. Backend. Heartbeat. MySQLHeartbeat. NextDector (215) MySQLHeartbeat. Java:) - set ERROR 2 DBHostConfig [hostName=, url=]
The 2021-04-26 09:51:58. 240 INFO [Timer0] (. IO. Mycat. Backend datasource. PhysicalDatasource. GetConnection (564) PhysicalDatasource. Java:) - no ilde connection pool in 23414049, the create new connection for of schema zh30 totalConnectionCount: 0 increamentCount: 1
The 2021-04-26 09:52:38. 190 INFO/Timer1 (IO) mycat. Sqlengine. SQLJob. Teminate (79) SQLJob. Java:) - the terminate this job "reason: heart beat the quit con: null SQL select user ()
The 2021-04-26 09:52:48. 210 INFO/Timer1 (. IO. Mycat. Backend datasource. PhysicalDatasource. GetConnection (564) PhysicalDatasource. Java:) - no ilde connection pool in 23414049, the create new connection for of schema zh30 totalConnectionCount: 0 increamentCount: 1
The 2021-04-26 09:53:28. 230 ERROR [Timer0] (IO) mycat. Backend. Heartbeat. MySQLHeartbeat. NextDector (215) MySQLHeartbeat. Java:) - set the ERROR 1 DBHostConfig [hostName=, url=]
The 2021-04-26 09:53:38. 190 INFO [Timer0] (. IO. Mycat. Backend datasource. PhysicalDatasource. GetConnection (564) PhysicalDatasource. Java:) - no ilde connection pool in 23414049, the create new connection for of schema zh30 totalConnectionCount: 0 increamentCount: 1
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