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Tray send strings - 2021-05-23 V1.0 permeating the fire


? Tray to send a string of small software version 1.0 the author: 2021-05-23 three fire amogha - vairocana
Caprice, if in Windows tray do a small program, a pop-up menu, click send string, this is global general, not in different software to repeat again, the idea is very good,
Have ready this software, rough, find no, just from already do a try,
This function a bit like the taskbar right new toolbar, but the function is different, I want to send a string,
Code to the clipboard, the simulation also should pass the clipboard manually copy and paste,
Try to do a test tray exe found, click on the menu, at this point, the Windows of the original cursor will lose focus,
Accidentally discovered that when the mouse moved to the tray, a pop-up menu is will not make the original focus of the lost, the original focus will remain unchanged,
If we can in the pop-up menu, don't click, stopped a few said in the current menu item (since can be set to 2 seconds, etc.) is automatically simulate have to do is click on the menu,
So, find the win32 API help file, after days of hard debugging, finally success,
To complete this small software, fun is very interesting, later want to, or share share out, let other people use the free, alone le le than the lele,
But not for free open source
Preliminary so set:
(1) all the suffix is called *. TXT, the inside of the each line of text as a menu (with the exception of special characters), and automatically after clicking send a line of string,
(2) all the suffix is called *. 333. TXT (tentative this dual suffix), the inside of the full text (lines) as a menu, click automatically after sending the multi-line string,
(3) all subdirectories, automatic form the sub menu,
Each add a file or a directory, modify text, every time want to restart the small software (question which instantly refresh later improved)
In addition, the input time date is convenient, dynamic time date, don't change the current focus is sent, the global general, time date format Settings later version upgrade again,
This small software best set to boot from the start, don't hide always show tray icon, sometimes will automatically after the popup menu will not automatically hidden, to manually choose [hidden], sometimes the failure not very well, this may be a BUG, after upgrade to version,
Sometimes don't know why not appear on the tray, or click to then click restore mobile sliding automatic popup menu, when many small bugs after upgraded version,
The writer is a subjective did not add any virus, Trojan, no installation, extract the copy can be used, green is available, if you don't trust, use antivirus software detected by oneself,
If users feel this small software to help, best can donations, supported by the author, the economy is not rich, if no longer worry for money all day long, can have the time, may be more valuable, by combining the TSP algorithm mapping cause, not much...
Can also donate a dollar two yuan, 10 yuan one hundred yuan, one thousand yuan can also, 0.1 trillion will also accept, only to be carefree notions3...
The author's personal website: http://www.okmyok.com/lisoft.htm
This is also the author personal website http://www.okmyok.com, just in order to seek a job, all day long trapped between stable, not to li said,
Warm lust, cold heart stolen, the fortunes of mutual change on, Yin and Yang are relative or absolute? If the Yin for Yang, Yang is also relatively became Yin?

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Both li yu swastika permeating the swastika 2021-05-23 guangzhou east nursery fire people
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