I am attempting to convert code to ADO.Net and I am running into an error on updating. Here is the old code:
Private Sub TrackStandardUnit(ByVal iMode As Short, ByVal sSpecies As String, ByVal sProdDesc As String, ByVal sLength As String, ByVal sMultiLgth As String, ByVal sGrades As String, ByVal sCure As String, ByVal sSurface As String, ByVal sThick As String, ByVal sWidth As String, ByVal sgUnits As Single, ByVal iFtg As Short, ByVal iPcs As Short, ByVal iStdPcs As Short, ByVal iStdFtg As Short)
Dim sNewProd As String
If Len(sGrades) = 3 Then
sNewProd = sProdDesc
sNewProd = $"{Mid(sProdDesc, 1, 2)}({Strings.Left(sGrades, Len(sGrades) - 1)}){Mid(sProdDesc, 5)}"
End If
Dim sSql As String = $"SELECT * FROM tblStdUnitTracking WHERE Species = '{sSpecies}' AND ProdDesc = '{sProdDesc}' AND StdUnits = {sgUnits}"
Dim bLgths As Boolean = StdUnitLgthUsed(sThick, sWidth, sSpecies, sGrades, sCure, sSurface) ' Lengths present in std unit file
If bLgths = True Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
sSql = $"{sSql} AND Length = '{sLength}' AND MultiLgth = '{sMultiLgth}'"
End If
Dim rsUnit As ADODB.Recordset = NewRs()
OpenRsOptimistic(sSql, rsUnit)
If rsUnit.RecordCount = 0 Then
rsUnit.Fields("Species").Value = sSpecies
rsUnit.Fields("ProdDesc").Value = sNewProd
rsUnit.Fields("StdUnits").Value = sgUnits
If sgUnits = 0 Then
rsUnit.Fields("PieceCnt").Value = 0
ElseIf iStdPcs > 0 Then
rsUnit.Fields("StdPieceCnt").Value = iStdPcs
rsUnit.Fields("StdFootage").Value = 0
rsUnit.Fields("PieceCnt").Value = iPcs
ElseIf iStdFtg > 0 Then
rsUnit.Fields("StdFootage").Value = iStdFtg
rsUnit.Fields("StdPieceCnt").Value = 0
rsUnit.Fields("PieceCnt").Value = 0
End If
If bLgths = True Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
rsUnit.Fields("Length").Value = sLength ' Save length info
rsUnit.Fields("MultiLgth").Value = sMultiLgth
Else ' Else - no lengths
rsUnit.Fields("Length").Value = ""
rsUnit.Fields("MultiLgth").Value = ""
End If
End If
rsUnit.Fields("Count").Value = rsUnit.Fields("Count").Value 1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Here is the new code:
Private Sub TrackStandardUnit(ByVal iMode As Short, ByVal sSpecies As String, ByVal sProdDesc As String, ByVal sLength As String, ByVal sMultiLgth As String, ByVal sGrades As String, ByVal sCure As String, ByVal sSurface As String, ByVal sThick As String, ByVal sWidth As String, ByVal sgUnits As Single, ByVal iFtg As Short, ByVal iPcs As Short, ByVal iStdPcs As Short, ByVal iStdFtg As Short)
Dim sNewProd As String
If Len(sGrades) = 3 Then
sNewProd = sProdDesc
sNewProd = $"{Mid(sProdDesc, 1, 2)}({Strings.Left(sGrades, Len(sGrades) - 1)}){Mid(sProdDesc, 5)}"
End If
Dim sSql As String = $"SELECT * FROM tblStdUnitTracking WHERE Species = '{sSpecies}' AND ProdDesc = '{sProdDesc}' AND StdUnits = {sgUnits}"
Dim bLgths As Boolean = StdUnitLgthUsed(sThick, sWidth, sSpecies, sGrades, sCure, sSurface) ' Lengths present in std unit file
If bLgths = True Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
sSql = $"{sSql} AND Length = '{sLength}' AND MultiLgth = '{sMultiLgth}'"
End If
Dim dtUni As New DataTable
Dim constring As String = GetDbConnectionString(gDataPath & "Lisa.mdb", "")
Dim con As OleDbConnection = GetOleDBConnection(constring)
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = GetOleDBCommand(sSql, con)
Dim daX As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
dtUni.TableName = ("AddStdUnit")
Dim dtBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(daX)
daX.UpdateCommand = dtBuilder.GetUpdateCommand()
Dim r As DataRow = dtUni.NewRow
If dtUni.Rows.Count = 0 Then
r("Species") = sSpecies
r("ProdDesc") = sNewProd
r("StdUnits") = sgUnits
r("Footage") = 0
If sgUnits = 0 Then
r("PieceCnt") = 0
ElseIf iStdPcs > 0 Then
r("StdPieceCnt") = iStdPcs
r("StdFootage") = 0
r("PieceCnt") = iPcs
ElseIf iStdFtg > 0 Then
r("StdFootage") = iStdFtg
r("StdPieceCnt") = 0
r("PieceCnt") = 0
End If
If bLgths = True Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
r("Length") = sLength ' Save length info
r("MultiLgth") = sMultiLgth
Else ' Else - no lengths
r("Length") = "0"
r("MultiLgth") = "0"
End If
If IsDBNull(r("Count")) = True Then
r("Count") = 0
r("Count") = 1
End If
daX.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = True
daX.Update(ds, "AddStdUnit")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Getting an "Invalid Insert Syntax" at "daX.Update(ds, "AddStdUnit")" and when I check the "daX.UpdateCommand.CommandText" all the values are "?" but when I view the table data in "dtUni" the row was added and populated, it just won't update to the actual database with the updatecommand.
What am I doing wrong here?
Here are the CommandTexts for insert and update right before daX.Update(ds, "AddStdUnit") is called:
"UPDATE tblStdUnitTracking SET Species = ?, ProdDesc = ?, Length = ?, MultiLgth = ?, StdUnits = ?, StdFootage = ?, StdPieceCnt = ?, PieceCnt = ?, Footage = ?, Count = ? WHERE ((Species = ?) AND (ProdDesc = ?) AND (Length = ?) AND (MultiLgth = ?) AND (StdUnits = ?) AND (StdFootage = ?) AND (StdPieceCnt = ?) AND (PieceCnt = ?) AND ((? = 1 AND Footage IS NULL) OR (Footage = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Count IS NULL) OR (Count = ?)))"
"INSERT INTO tblStdUnitTracking (Species, ProdDesc, Length, MultiLgth, StdUnits, StdFootage, StdPieceCnt, PieceCnt, Footage, Count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Notice all the "?'s".
And here is the DataTable Visualizer of dtUni right before the update command is called: datatable visualizer
CodePudding user response:
There was way too much code in a single method doing too many different things.
The button code deals strictly with the user interface. I have declared all the variables. I don't know where the values for these come from so I just added a default value. The button calls the various methods and displays message boxes for errors.
Database objects like connections, commands and data adapter need to be disposed. Using...End Using
blocks handle this. You can dispose the DataAdapter after you are finished with it.
Always use Parameters to avoid Sql injection. I had to guess at the datatypes of the parameters. Check your database for the correct types.
The DataAdapter
will open and close the connection. I didn't see the need for a DataSet
or a name for the DataTable
Private constring As String = GetDbConnectionString(gDataPath & "Lisa.mdb", ""))
Private daX As OleDbDataAdapter
Private dt As DataTable
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sThick As String = ""
Dim sWidth As String = ""
Dim sSpecies As String = ""
Dim sGrades As String = ""
Dim sCure As String = ""
Dim sSurface As String = ""
Dim sProdDesc As String = ""
Dim sgUnits As Single = 0
Dim sLength As String = ""
Dim sMultiLgth As String = ""
Dim iFtg As Short = 0
Dim iPcs As Short = 0
Dim iStdPcs As Short = 0
Dim iStdFtg As Short = 0
Dim bLgths As Boolean = StdUnitLgthUsed(sThick, sWidth, sSpecies, sGrades, sCure, sSurface) ' Lengths present in std unit file
FillDataTable(bLgths, sSpecies, sProdDesc, sgUnits, sLength, sMultiLgth)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message,"Error Filling DataTable")
Exit Sub
End Try
Dim sNewProd As String
If sGrades.Length = 3 Then
sNewProd = sProdDesc
sNewProd = $"{sProdDesc.Substring(0, 2)}({sGrades.Substring(0, sGrades.Length - 1)}){sProdDesc.Substring(5)}"
End If
AddRowtoDataTable(sSpecies, sProdDesc, sGrades, sNewProd, sgUnits,iStdPcs,iPcs,iStdFtg,bLgths,sLength,sMultiLgth)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Updating Database")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub FillDataTable(bLgths As Boolean, sSpecies As String, sProdDesc As String, sgUnits As Single, sLength As String, sMultiLgth As String) As DataTable
Dim sSql As String = $"SELECT * FROM tblStdUnitTracking WHERE Species = @Species
AND ProdDesc = @ProdDesc
AND StdUnits = @Units"
dt = New DataTable
Using con As New OleDbConnection(constring),
cmd As New OleDbCommand()
With cmd.Parameters
.Add("@Species", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = sSpecies
.Add("@ProdDesc", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = sProdDesc
.Add("@Units", OleDbType.SmallInt).Value = sgUnits
End With
If bLgths Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
sSql &= $" AND Length = @Length AND MultiLgth = @MultiLgth"
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Length", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = sLength
cmd.Parameters.Add("@MultiLgth", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = sMultiLgth
End If
sSql &= ";"
cmd.CommandText = sSql
cmd.Connection = con
daX = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub AddRowtoDataTable(sSpecies As String, sProdDesc As String, sGrades As String, sNewProd As String, sgUnits As Single, iStdPcs As Integer, iPcs As Integer, iStdFtg As Integer, bLgths As Boolean, sLength As String, sMultiLgth As String)
Dim r As DataRow = dt.NewRow
If dt.Rows.Count = 0 Then
r("Species") = sSpecies
r("ProdDesc") = sNewProd
r("StdUnits") = sgUnits
r("Footage") = 0
If sgUnits = 0 Then
r("PieceCnt") = 0
ElseIf iStdPcs > 0 Then
r("StdPieceCnt") = iStdPcs
r("StdFootage") = 0
r("PieceCnt") = iPcs
ElseIf iStdFtg > 0 Then
r("StdFootage") = iStdFtg
r("StdPieceCnt") = 0
r("PieceCnt") = 0
End If
If bLgths Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
r("Length") = sLength ' Save length info
r("MultiLgth") = sMultiLgth
Else ' Else - no lengths
r("Length") = "0"
r("MultiLgth") = "0"
End If
r("Count") = 0 'The If statement is useless, this is a New Row with no value set for Count.
dt.Rows.Add(r) 'Adding a blank row if rows.count =0
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateDatabase()
Using dtBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(daX)
daX.UpdateCommand = dtBuilder.GetUpdateCommand()
daX.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Sub
I think there are way too many parameters being passed. If you could create a class the models you database fields it would be easy to pass a single object with all its properties. Intellisense is helpful here.
CodePudding user response:
Your problem looks to be that you using commandBuilder, and ONLY getting the update command - you need the insert command.
Just ONLY create the command builder - it will and should build all 3 for you automatic (insert, update, delete)
Also, command builder has a reader, and a connection, so no need to make more.
In fact, with a reader, and NOT needing up todate, then do NOT create a data adaptor.
Go this way:
Dim dtUni As New DataTable
Using cmd As New OleDbCommand(Sql,
New OleDbConnection(GetDBConnectionString(gDataPath & "Lisa.mdb", "")))
End Using
So you only need a "adaptor" if you going to update the data - which is your case.
So, try this:
Dim dtUni As New DataTable
Using cmd As New OleDbCommand(Sql,
New OleDbConnection(GetDBConnectionString(gDataPath & "Lisa.mdb", "")))
Dim daX As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim dtBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(daX)
dtUni.TableName = ("AddStdUnit")
Dim r As DataRow = dtUni.NewRow
' your code here, then
daX.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = True
daX.Update(dtUni) '<---- just table here.
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
I am not sure if you need to close, and then re-open (but try it either way).
So, you are grabbing only the "update" command from command builder. (don't need to - just let command builder build as per above, and you can then EITHER update, insert rows into that data table, and the one daX.Update(dtUni) should work.
CodePudding user response:
The ?
placeholders are correct for OleDb. This is how parameterized queries work for OleDb (other providers have an even better mechanism using named parameters). The ?
is a placeholder for the final value, which is NEVER substituted into the sql command string, even on the database itself. The values are kept in a separate place as variables, almost as if you'd written a stored procedure. In this way, any possibility of sql injection is prevented.
I don't know if this will help your issue, but I did go through the code and made a few changes as I went to match newer practices, and this often seems to help quite a bit. Specifically, I did spot a mistake around how the new row is added to the dataset that would result in always setting Count
to zero. Otherwise, I tend not to use CommandBuilder
or DataSet.Update()
personally, and instead build INSERT or UPDATE statements in code (with valid query parameters) as appropriate.
Private Sub TrackStandardUnit(ByVal Mode As Short, ByVal Species As String, ByVal ProdDesc As String, ByVal Length As String, ByVal MultiLgth As String, ByVal Grades As String, ByVal Cure As String, ByVal Surface As String, ByVal Thick As String, ByVal Width As String, ByVal Units As Single, ByVal Ftg As Short, ByVal Pcs As Short, ByVal StdPcs As Short, ByVal StdFtg As Short)
Dim NewProd As String = ProdDesc
If Grades.Length <> 3 Then
NewProd = $"{ProdDesc.SubString(1, 2)}({Grades.Left(Grades.Length -1)}){ProdDesc.SubString(5)}"
End If
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM tblStdUnitTracking WHERE Species = ? AND ProdDesc = ? AND StdUnits = ?"
Dim Lgths As Boolean = StdUnitLgthUsed(Thick, Width, Species, Grades, Cure, Surface) ' Lengths present in std unit file
If Lgths Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
sql = " AND Length = ? AND MultiLgth = ?"
End If
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim constring As String = GetDbConnectionString(gDataPath & "Lisa.mdb", "")
Using con As OleDbConnection = GetOleDBConnection(constring), _
cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, con), _
da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
' OleDb uses positional parameters. They work in the order they are found in the string
' I have to guess at parameter types and lengths. You should use the exact types from the database.
cmd.Parameters.Add("?", OleDbType.VarWChar, 30).Value = Species
cmd.Parameters.Add("?", OleDbType.VarWChar, 120).Value = ProdDesc
cmd.Parameters.Add("?", OleDbType.Single).Value = StdUnits
If Lgths Then
cmd.Parameters.Add("?", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Length)
cmd.Parameters.Add("?", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(MultiLgth)
End If
Dim Uni As DataTable = ds.Tables(0)
Dim Builder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
da.UpdateCommand = Builder.GetUpdateCommand()
If Uni.Rows.Count = 0 Then
Dim r As DataRow = Uni.NewRow
r("Species") = Species
r("ProdDesc") = NewProd
r("StdUnits") = Units
r("Footage") = 0
If sgUnits = 0 Then
r("PieceCnt") = 0
ElseIf iStdPcs > 0 Then
r("StdPieceCnt") = StdPcs
r("StdFootage") = 0
r("PieceCnt") = Pcs
ElseIf iStdFtg > 0 Then
r("StdFootage") = StdFtg
r("StdPieceCnt") = 0
r("PieceCnt") = 0
End If
If Lgths Then
r("Length") = Length
r("MultiLgth") = MultiLgth
r("Length") = "0"
r("MultiLgth") = "0"
End If
End If
Dim row As DataRow = Uni.Rows(0)
If IsDBNull(row("Count")) Then
row("Count") = 0
row("Count") = 1
End If
da.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
"Count" is a reserved word which was throwing the invalid INSERT syntax when trying to use the daX.update command. Changed to field and all references to "xCount" and the ADO.Net code above worked just fine. A commenter who deleted his comment for some reason is the one to thank for this answer.