I am making a password generator and I want the user to have the option to choose if they want to include upper/lower case letters, special chars and numbers but I am not sure how to do this with the code that I have right now without making too many if statements.
private static final String ALPHA = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
private static final String NUMERIC = "0123456789";
private static final String SPECIAL_CHARS = "!@#$%^&*_= -/";
private static SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
Above are the different chars that can be used to generate the password.
public void generatePasswordAgain(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
genPassword.setText(generatePassword(length, ALPHA_CAPS ALPHA SPECIAL_CHARS NUMERIC));
Above is the function called when you want to generate a password. And below is the code that actually generates the password.
public static String generatePassword(int len, String dic) {
String result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < len; i ) {
int index = random.nextInt(dic.length());
result = dic.charAt(index);
return result;
I want to give the person using the program a chance to choose what type of chars they want to include in their program. Is there a way to do this without making too many if statements?
The persons demands for the chars they want to include are defined by booleans.
CodePudding user response:
If you want to avoid switch case and if else cascades, you may use a single line trinary operator.
private static final String EMPTY = "";
... // StringUtils.EMPTY can also be used.
boolean alphaUpper, alphaLower, numeric, special;
... // set your boolean flags here
genPassword.setText(generatePassword(length, (alphaUpper ? ALPHA_CAPS : EMPTY) (alphaLower ? ALPHA : EMPTY) (special ? SPECIAL_CHARS : EMPTY) (numeric ? NUMERIC : EMPTY)));