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Python Regex extract number formats


I'm trying to extract unique invoice ids from strings like this:

1) Payment of invoice nr.2021-3-5450
2) Invoice 2021 3 27 has been paid

Words can change, but the Invoice id format is always:


Customer_ID can be from 1 to 9999.

I have tried this:

m = re.search(r"\d ", s)

But it only returns 2021. Is there a way that I can capture all numbers in the above formats?

CodePudding user response:

Try this out in the Regex playground: Link

Regex: ([\d]{4})[- ](0?[1-9]|1[0-2])[- ](\d{1,4})\b

Explanation: Matches year as a 4-digit number, month as an integer between 1-12 (including leading zeros), and customer id as an integer from 0-9999; the values can be separated by either dashes or spaces. The groups will be captured as (year, month, customer_id) in that order.

Python demo:

import re
from typing import Optional, NamedTuple

invoice_re = re.compile(r'([\d]{4})[- ](0?[1-9]|1[0-2])[- ](\d{1,4})\b')

# NamedTuple that contains the invoice data
Invoice = NamedTuple('Invoice', year=int, month=int, customer_id=int)

def parse_invoice(invoice: str) -> Optional[Invoice]:
    """Parse an invoice, and return a tuple of (year, month, customer_id)"""
    result = invoice_re.search(invoice)
    return Invoice(*map(int, result.groups())) if result else None

s1 = 'Payment of invoice nr.2021-3-5450'
s2 = 'Invoice 2021 3 27 has been paid'

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