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How To Pass Component Pointer From QML To C ?


What is the easiest way to pass a component pointer created in a QML file to C ? From Qt Documentation explanations we could take the QML file root object and then search for our component objectName. But it's hard to keep sync the components objectName in both C codes and QML codes:

Just for Copy/Paste: qml_pass_objectName_example

auto const root = engine.rootObjects();
    auto const obj = root.first()->findChild<test_item*>("testItem");
        qDebug() << "Couldn't Cast";
    qDebug() << "Empty";

I tried to pass the component from QML code on Component.onCompleted:

main.qml (for copy/paste: qml_pass_id_example/main.qml)
        id: testItemId;
        Component.onCompleted: controller.setup_test(testItemId);
main.cpp (for copy/paste: qml_pass_id_example/main.cpp)
class controller : public QObject
  public slots:
    Q_INVOKABLE void setup_test(test_item* item)
#include "main.moc"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    controller c;
    qmlRegisterType<test_item>("qml.pass.id", 1, 0, "TestItem");
    engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("controller", &c);
    return app.exec();

And I think this is much simpler than using objectName, but I couldn't find any related documentation about passing the component's ID to C functions. So my questions:

  1. What is the easiest way to passing the QML component pointer to C ?
  2. Is passing the QML component ID as the component C type pointer to the C function valid?

  • Qt: 6.2.0 and 5.15.2.
  • Compiler: GCC 11.1.0 and MSVC 2019.
  • Platforms: MS Windows and GNU/Linux

CodePudding user response:

  1. The easy thing is debatable since it depends on the definition of what is easy or difficult for each case so I will not answer this question since it falls outside of SO.

  2. Yes, it is valid to export any QML object to C . The id is the reference to the object so you are not passing the name "testItemId" but you are passing a test_item object that has as identifier "testItemId".

Note: It is recommended not to expose any QML object to C (or do it for a minimum time) since its life cycle is managed by QML so it could be eliminated at any moment causing you to access pointers that no longer have associated objects. .

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